Here the results of the survery that you guys gratefully took last week. You still have 24 hours to
answer the questions and enter the compeition to win a new 2065 Honda Civic.
I would like to thank everyone for all the time you've spent and the very important comments you've left. They will be very helpful for me in the future.
I will take this very seriously.
I will write most of the comments at the end (without mentioning the names of those who left them).
The results of the most common option selected will be in bold.
Number of people who took it : 53.1- What's your gender (hopefully that's an easy question)
Male 32 (60.38%)
Female 21 (39.62%)
2- What's your age?
Younger than 19: 2 (3.77%)
19-24 : 17 (32.08%)
25-30 : 22 (41.51%)31-40 : 9 (16.98%)
Older than 40 (don't be afraid to check this box) -3 (5.66%)
3- How often do you read Hareega?
Almost daily 15 (28.30%)
2-3 times a week 19 (35.85%)Once every week or two 16 (30.19%)
Once a month or less 3 (5.66%)
4- Where do you live most time of the year?
Jordan 26 (49.06%)USA/Canada 15 (28.30%)
Europe 3 (5.66%)
The gulf 6 (11.32%)
Other Arab countries 1 (1.89%)
Other countries 2 (3.77%)
5- What makes you read Hareega? (Select all that apply)
Sports 16 (30.19%)
Social topics 47 (88.68%)
Politics 28 (52.83%)
Personal stories 48 (90.57%)Videos and Pictures 20 (37.74%)
6- What do you hate mostly about Hareega?
Sports 18 (43.90%)
The rough language 8 (19.51%)
Political opinions 7 (17.07%)
The blog design 16 (39.02%)
7- Should I blog in Arabic or English, or both?
Both 46 (86.79%)
Only Arabic 2 (3.77%)
Only English 5 (9.43%)
8- What do you think of the design of the blog? (you can comment on this one)
I really like it 3 (5.77%)
It's acceptable 38 (73.08%)It sucks 11 (21.15%)
9- Among Jordanian blogs, where do you rank Hareega?
Best 10-15% 30 (56.60%)
Best 15-30% 15 (28.30%)
Best 30-70% 7 (13.21%)
Worst 30% 1 (1.89%)
10- Have you ever asked someone to check out my blog?
Yes 27 (50.94%)No 26 (49.06%)
11- Select all that applies to me
Arrogant 5 (9.62%)
Habeeleh (idiot) 5 (9.62%)
Critical 20 (38.46%)
Creative 37 (71.15%)
Funny 49 (94.23%)Too liberal 10 (19.23%)
Too conservative 1 (1.92%)
Emotional 10 (19.23%)
Boring 1 (1.92%) (hey you who voted for boring, why the hell do you check my blog then :D )
12- How do you think I treat people who visit my blog?
Respectful 41 (80.39%)Rude 0 (0.00%)
Biased 3 (5.88%)
Hypocrite 0 (0.00%) - thank you!
Needs to reply more to people when they leave a comment (even if there's nothing to reply to)
10 (19.61%)
13- What do you like to see more in Hareega?
More photos with his camera 24 (48.98%)
More personal stories 39 (79.59%)More politics 11 (22.45%)
Less politics 4 (8.16%)
More sports 6 (12.24%)
Less sports 14 (28.57%)
Change the design of the blog 15 (30.61%)
Have interviews with people 10 (20.41%)
Quit blogging 2 (4.08%)
Reader's Comments:
** From reading your blog, it looks that you are a smart ass, and have an attractive way in writing. Keep it up.
**Your blog is just great, the only pro is that it is too dark... great job... God bless you.
** i dont like the fact that u sorry i know u're free to say what ever u want,but it doesn't serve the aim of some stories u write..i mean i like ur style a lot mashalah but i feel embarrassed reading those cursing words...sorry for saying so
** Change the design for God's sake
** Keep it up jonior.
** I just love the way you write and express your feelings, even others say your posts are too long that they don't read them all
** I liked mostly all ur entries except for those in Arabic language cos i aint fluent in dat. It takes hours to complete reading
** I didnt like it when you praised wasfi al tal, and I dont like one more thing which you can figure out yourself (if you are not going to trace me maybe some other people will), I mean you seem to be a smart person and your opinions are often reasonable but I cannot really understand why in this specific issue you dont seem to think logically, you seem to be following some false emotions.
(P.S. I will not trace you. Dunno how to even if I wanted!)
** I read ur posts no matter what they are, whether i like the subject or not. I just like hareega as is, with what he likes most and what he likes to share
** i honestly like your blog, i don't have a lot of comments on what i'd like to see more, just keep it up
** San7ak
** You remind of a blog version of House MD, keep up the great posts Firas...
** I loved your manaf explosion stories told within the context of was a riot! :)
** good in overall ... hat tip for ur Sport fanatics :)
** some posts contain uncomfortably obscene language
** I really love your Arabic posts, more please. I started reading your blog in Feb 2007 and I read it ALL, not one post I have not read :). Keep it up
** you know what i think about you,always funny and creative and kindhearted
** You Rock Hareega...
** hmmm well , ur blog is really interesting , i like the way u sum things up , ur articles are very meaningful even if they were short. I like the way you rationalize , though sometimes you use rough language. Thats all i guess :) good luck doc
** You should have left a blank box after almost every question for people who think "other" :) Sho hal qame3. At any rate- I enjoy visiting your blog because your posts are meaningful, varied, and well written! You might want to experiment with your blog design when you have the time. Good luck and keep those posts coming!
** I still feel bad for gettign on you about languae, I have scarred you for life. Great blog!
** Wish you all the best, o katherlna min suwar el niswan
** ur blog is honestly amazing , u talk about nice subjects, but i think you should have more attractive design because you have been here for two years!
كما قلت لك في استفتاء في العام الماضي، كتاباتك مضحكة و مبدعة و مسلية في آن واحد لكن مشكلتك أنّك لا تتحرج من استعمال بعض الكلمات التي يمكن تصنيفها على أنّها.... خارجة! في رأيي أنّك ستلقى المزيد من الاقبال ان توقفت عن استعمالها...
** Honestly, I didn't like most of the sport topics! I guess that the reason might be because they don't make me laugh or think about the world or the society I live in. The best topics I like are without any competition (In arabic: bila monafaseh! ) are your PERSONAL STORIES. Please, I hope that you put more space for your personal experiences!. Also, I would like very much to hear your opinion about the current world events. For example, articles like (ألإعجاز الأردني ). Finally, many and many thanks for every smile and thought you brought to me.
The colors used in the site are very dark, what is more, those colors are not homogenous with each other( i.e. Yellow with purple!).
** Your blog is one of my favorites, but you need to enhance it with more photos and for God sake, choose different colors :)... all in all you are doing great job man. Thank you for blogging
** yous style of writing is one of the best, it enormously fits the personal stories you tell, keep up the good job, And don't be bothered too much by the design, it's the contents that matters , although i actually like the dark blue you use, it's not bad!
** try to communicate with other bloggers more :)