Congratulations for Iraq!
Monday, July 30, 2007
Football Unites, Football Rules
Congratulations for Iraq!
في الاعادة إفادة
"Ahmad what?"
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Bad timing
I asked the woman the usual questions, one of which was about how many sexual partners did she have in the past two months.
"I know that my husband is faithful, I know that for sure, but I've been with a guy last week. Also another man from work a month ago."
I had to check her boyfriend's chart to see if he had any infections because those can be transmitted. I saw Phil coming out of his room.
"Hey Phil I'm seeing this guy's girlfriend. What does he have?"
"Not sure yet, haven't looked at the slide yet, but sure he's got something. Jeez! Six women!"
"Oh I thought he was monogamous"
"hehe no! He said he thought his girlfriend was, but he went in a business trip to Mexico...."
"And had lots of business?"
"Yeah lots of business and probably some gonorrhea"
I went back to the woman's room for examination. Of course neither Phil or I would tell them about each other's histories because they were confidential.
I started hearing the sound of thunder outside. Arizona is a very hot place but in the summer we get lots of thunder storms, rain and flooding. Two days before that we had power outages because of the rain.
I was about the start the exam, the lady was ready, and just as I started the lights went off. Ooops! It's the electricity again! I waited for a few seconds, didn't say a word just waiting for the lights to come back again, but nothing!
It was a very bad timing. It was 7 pm so most of the sunlight was gone. I could manage to move my chair back, take off the gloves and try to reach for the sink to wash my hands.
The lady laying there asked, "What should I do"
The nurse helped her in the dark to get up, and told her to reschedule for next week's clinic.
The security dude brought his light and showed us the way out of the clinic. It was difficult to drive back home since some traffic lights were off because of the outage.
I'm hearing the rain now and I'm hoping that if we're going to get an outage it better be in reasonable time, and at a reasonable place!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Some kind of letter
As you got up this morning,
I watched you and hoped you would talk to me,
even if it was just a few words, asking my opinion or thanking me for
something good that happened in your life yesterday - but I noticed you were to busy trying to find the right outfit to put on and wear to work.
I waited again.
When you ran around the house getting ready I knew there would be a few minutes for you to stop and say hello, but you were too busy.
At one point you had to wait fifteen minutes with nothing to do except sit in a chair. Then I saw you spring to your feet. I thought you wanted to talk to me
but you ran to the phone and called a friend to get the latest gossip.
I watched as you went to work and I waited patiently all day long.
With all your activities I guess you were too busy to say anything to me.
I noticed that before lunch you looked around, maybe you felt embarrassed to talk to me, you glanced three or four tables over and you noticed some of your friends talking to me briefly before they ate, but you didn't.
That's okay. There is still more time left, and I have hope that you will talk to me... yet you went home and it seems as if you had lots of things to do.
After a few of them were done you turned on the TV,
I don't know if you like TV or not, just about anything goes there and you spent a lot of time each day in front of it, not thinking about anything - just enjoying the show.
I waited patiently again as you watched the TV and ate your meal...
but again you didn't talk to me.
Bedtime - I guess you felt too tired.
After you said goodnight to your family you plopped into bed and fell asleep in no time.
That's okay
because you may not realize
that I am always there for you.
I've got patience
more than you will ever know.
I even want to teach you
how to be patient with others as well.
I love you so much
that I wait everyday for a nod,
prayer or thought or a thankful part of your heart.
It is hard to have a one-sided conversation.
Well you are getting up again and once again I will wait with nothing but love for you hoping that today you will give me some time.
Have a nice day!
Your friend,
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Remembering a Jordanian Hero
Another video of Bilal's performance in his cockpit, thanks who's-sane
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Survery Results of Hareega
I would like to thank everyone for all the time you've spent and the very important comments you've left. They will be very helpful for me in the future.
I will take this very seriously.
I will write most of the comments at the end (without mentioning the names of those who left them).
The results of the most common option selected will be in bold.
Number of people who took it : 53.
1- What's your gender (hopefully that's an easy question)
Male 32 (60.38%)
Female 21 (39.62%)
2- What's your age?
Younger than 19: 2 (3.77%)
19-24 : 17 (32.08%)
25-30 : 22 (41.51%)
31-40 : 9 (16.98%)
Older than 40 (don't be afraid to check this box) -3 (5.66%)
3- How often do you read Hareega?
Almost daily 15 (28.30%)
2-3 times a week 19 (35.85%)
Once every week or two 16 (30.19%)
Once a month or less 3 (5.66%)
4- Where do you live most time of the year?
Jordan 26 (49.06%)
USA/Canada 15 (28.30%)
Europe 3 (5.66%)
The gulf 6 (11.32%)
Other Arab countries 1 (1.89%)
Other countries 2 (3.77%)
5- What makes you read Hareega? (Select all that apply)
Sports 16 (30.19%)
Social topics 47 (88.68%)
Politics 28 (52.83%)
Personal stories 48 (90.57%)
Videos and Pictures 20 (37.74%)
6- What do you hate mostly about Hareega?
Sports 18 (43.90%)
The rough language 8 (19.51%)
Political opinions 7 (17.07%)
The blog design 16 (39.02%)
7- Should I blog in Arabic or English, or both?
Both 46 (86.79%)
Only Arabic 2 (3.77%)
Only English 5 (9.43%)
8- What do you think of the design of the blog? (you can comment on this one)
I really like it 3 (5.77%)
It's acceptable 38 (73.08%)
It sucks 11 (21.15%)
9- Among Jordanian blogs, where do you rank Hareega?
Best 10-15% 30 (56.60%)
Best 15-30% 15 (28.30%)
Best 30-70% 7 (13.21%)
Worst 30% 1 (1.89%)
10- Have you ever asked someone to check out my blog?
Yes 27 (50.94%)
No 26 (49.06%)
11- Select all that applies to me
Arrogant 5 (9.62%)
Habeeleh (idiot) 5 (9.62%)
Critical 20 (38.46%)
Creative 37 (71.15%)
Funny 49 (94.23%)
Too liberal 10 (19.23%)
Too conservative 1 (1.92%)
Emotional 10 (19.23%)
Boring 1 (1.92%) (hey you who voted for boring, why the hell do you check my blog then :D )
12- How do you think I treat people who visit my blog?
Respectful 41 (80.39%)
Rude 0 (0.00%)
Biased 3 (5.88%)
Hypocrite 0 (0.00%) - thank you!
Needs to reply more to people when they leave a comment (even if there's nothing to reply to)
10 (19.61%)
13- What do you like to see more in Hareega?
More photos with his camera 24 (48.98%)
More personal stories 39 (79.59%)
More politics 11 (22.45%)
Less politics 4 (8.16%)
More sports 6 (12.24%)
Less sports 14 (28.57%)
Change the design of the blog 15 (30.61%)
Have interviews with people 10 (20.41%)
Quit blogging 2 (4.08%)
**Your blog is just great, the only pro is that it is too dark... great job... God bless you.
** i dont like the fact that u sorry i know u're free to say what ever u want,but it doesn't serve the aim of some stories u write..i mean i like ur style a lot mashalah but i feel embarrassed reading those cursing words...sorry for saying so
** Change the design for God's sake
** Keep it up jonior.
** I just love the way you write and express your feelings, even others say your posts are too long that they don't read them all
** I liked mostly all ur entries except for those in Arabic language cos i aint fluent in dat. It takes hours to complete reading
** I didnt like it when you praised wasfi al tal, and I dont like one more thing which you can figure out yourself (if you are not going to trace me maybe some other people will), I mean you seem to be a smart person and your opinions are often reasonable but I cannot really understand why in this specific issue you dont seem to think logically, you seem to be following some false emotions.
(P.S. I will not trace you. Dunno how to even if I wanted!)
** I read ur posts no matter what they are, whether i like the subject or not. I just like hareega as is, with what he likes most and what he likes to share
** i honestly like your blog, i don't have a lot of comments on what i'd like to see more, just keep it up
** San7ak
** You remind of a blog version of House MD, keep up the great posts Firas...
** I loved your manaf explosion stories told within the context of was a riot! :)
** good in overall ... hat tip for ur Sport fanatics :)
** some posts contain uncomfortably obscene language
** I really love your Arabic posts, more please. I started reading your blog in Feb 2007 and I read it ALL, not one post I have not read :). Keep it up
** you know what i think about you,always funny and creative and kindhearted
** You Rock Hareega...
** hmmm well , ur blog is really interesting , i like the way u sum things up , ur articles are very meaningful even if they were short. I like the way you rationalize , though sometimes you use rough language. Thats all i guess :) good luck doc
** You should have left a blank box after almost every question for people who think "other" :) Sho hal qame3. At any rate- I enjoy visiting your blog because your posts are meaningful, varied, and well written! You might want to experiment with your blog design when you have the time. Good luck and keep those posts coming!
** I still feel bad for gettign on you about languae, I have scarred you for life. Great blog!
** Wish you all the best, o katherlna min suwar el niswan
** ur blog is honestly amazing , u talk about nice subjects, but i think you should have more attractive design because you have been here for two years!
كما قلت لك في استفتاء في العام الماضي، كتاباتك مضحكة و مبدعة و مسلية في آن واحد لكن مشكلتك أنّك لا تتحرج من استعمال بعض الكلمات التي يمكن تصنيفها على أنّها.... خارجة! في رأيي أنّك ستلقى المزيد من الاقبال ان توقفت عن استعمالها...
Colonscopy (tantheer el-kolon) is a procedure through which doctors insert a long tube from the anus down for a distance more than a meter to check for possible cancer or polyps.
It's an important procedure. I encourage everyone to have it done after the age of 50 because it can detect colon cancer in very early stages.
Now I'll forget that I'm a doctor and , unprofessionally, I would like to thank all of Mr. Bush's doctors for taking revenge for the rest of the world.
(Thanks salam for the update)
George Bush had a colonscopy yesterday. It was performed by speaker of house Nancy Pelosi! Inside hsi colon they found his head and two reporters from Fox News :D
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The zero that made a difference
No, I have the most popular blog
That reminds me when some teams in the the fourth division of the Jordanian league play with each other and the game would end up with a big fight and the referee would be assualted and some players get injured. At the end one team won but everyone will stay in the fourth division.
It was nice from Pulp magazine to mention Jordanian blogs when most Jordanians don't know what a blog is.
I'm glad there a few people checking this blog who read and respect what I say and leave some comments about things that they liked or didn't like. That's more important to me than numbers.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
تقول اهواك
Al-Mirage was a real band.
Enjoy their best song....
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
الكرك وأخواتها
Words of people you'll never get to meet
"In keeping with Channel 40's policy of bringing you the latest in blood and guts, and in living color, you are going to see another first: an attempted suicide."
"Tell them, tell them to not evacuate"
The pilot of a Saudia flight in 1980. The plance caught fire just after taking off. The pilot returned to the airport and landed safely with everyone still alive on board. After landing he did not turn his engines off, open any door in the plane or ask for emergency help. It took 23 minutes for firefighters to get to the plane and everyone was dead by then.
It was later revealed that the First Officer failed in his training program and the Flight Engineer was a dyslexic who also confused right with left. The 301 people on board all died on the ground.
"There's one underneath."
" I was looking at that inbound there."
..... Sound of impact ....
"On shit!"
"Easy baby, easy baby."
"What have we got here?"
"We're hit man, we are hit."
"Tower, we're going down, this is PSA."
"Tower: Okay, we'll call the emergency equipment for you."
"This is it baby!"
" Brace yourself.""
Hey baby.. "
"Ma I love you.."
The above was heard in the cockpit of a Pacific Southwest Airlines flight after it collided with another plane and crashed to the ground in 16 seconds, killing 144 people.
Monday, July 16, 2007
My black box
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Two years of Hareega... Answer This!!
Thank you for checking out my blog.
Answer this survey and be honest about it.
Here's the link:
Spain defeated Brazil 4-2
One week before that, Spain defeated our U-20 national team 4-2
We suck as much as Brazil does
Friday, July 13, 2007
Messi El Tamasi
Enjoy watching this goal he scored yesterday against Mexico, enjoy watching the Mexican keeper throw himself unable to even touch the ball.
and by the way, Europe can go to hell. Copa America is the real football, where the winner would have at least scored some 12-15 goals in his way to the cup.
Who told me won the last European Cup? Christos Anesti?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Speaking of Jordan.....
Chris, "Where are you from Ferris"
I said, "Jordan"
"Aha, speaking of Jordan..... have you heard about that Jordanian doctor in London who..."
I interrupted him, "Yeah it's so sad how a doctor can do something like that".
Then I was hoping we would go back to watching viruses.
Instead, he pulled over to the next computer and opened a webpage. He started reading.... "Forty-five doctors inside the US planning terrorist activites on American Soil"
"Are you serious?"
"Yes!" and he read the whole article.
I went back to watching viruses with Wung but he opened another website.
"Dude, this Jordanian doctor contacted the ECFMG (Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates). He wanted to come to America!"
"Yeah I heard that, I also had to apply here through the ECFMG"
"Is that right?"
"Yes, all foreign medical graduates have to apply through the ECFMG"
"Did that guy study in Jordan"
"Yes, he went to the University of Jordan"
"Is that where you went for medical school?"
"Was he a creepy student?"
"I don't know man, I finished 2 years ahead of him, don't remember seeing him before"
Although I'm on good terms with everyone here, but I'm sure that some of my colleagues thought, at least for a second, whether or not I could be involved in this or if I could be one of those "forty-five doctors" who are planning to kill people here in America.
This week we had a small conference. I was sitting there and incidentally another Jordanian doctor was sitting there as well.
One doctor said after he saw both of us, "Well I'm sure you heard the news about Jordan this week!"
As I was thinking "Please God kill me before I hear this story again" the other Jordanian was more positive and she knew that he was referring to Petra being chosen as a new world wonder.
"It seems to be a very beautiful city" he said.
"Oh yes" and she spent the next five minutes talking about Petra and its history.
Although I previously considered this contest rubbish, and that civilizations should not be compared and voted for, but I was really glad to see Jordan being associated with a very positive thing. Our reputation in "the West" is not all that goood but that's partially our fault.
We should focus on any achievement Jordan reaches even if it was a Jordanian winning a contest for the man with the longest moustaches or the one who can eat most pickles in a minute.... anything , anything but violence and backwardness can always be appreciated.
By the way, I invited Chris to a big mansaf that day in a local restaurant, after he was done he forgot all what he had read that day in the news.
Papa Don't Preach
The Pope is not just a regular citizen or an ordinary Christan who has the right to say whatever he wants anytime.
Everyone listens to what he says, everyone takes his statements seriously and sometimes very seriously.
His statements about Prophet Muhammad angered many Muslims last year and although I do not agree in any way with all the violence that came in response to these statements I'm surprised how a representative of the Catholic church allows himself to stir hatred and nonacceptance with a statements that nobody was expecting him to say.
Yesterday the Vatican announced that non-Catholic churches are not considered full churches, suffering from a wound because they do not recognize the primacy of the Pope.
I understand the conflicts and struggles that churches went through in the past, but it's difficult to me to understand why did the Pope come up with this statement that again, nobody was waiting or expecting him to come up with.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
One year of Zizou
A genius from Arabia, playing for The Blues
Monday, July 09, 2007
This Petra should have won!
Also am I the only Jordanian among those who never visited Petra that tells non-Jordanians that "I've visited Petra and it's gorgeous you should go there one time" ?
Sunday, July 08, 2007
الإعجاز الأردني
بتقعد تستنى بالشنط نص ساعة وبتفقع من ريحة الدخان جوَا المطار، ما في حدا بحترم التعليمات
إذا بدك تاخذ تكسي فهدفه الرئيسي يعرف كيف يضحك عليك...العداد بالنسبة إله مجرد أداة لا معنى لها تماما كفرشاة الأسنان ومزيل رائحة العرق
الأماكن السياحية في عمان شبه مهجورة باستثناء الغنم بروح برعى هناك بين فترة وفترة
إذا في سائحة غلطت و لبست شورط قامت قيامتها
الناس بتسوق زي البهايم وما في خارطات واضحة لعمان لذلك من غير المعقول لسائح أن يستأجر سيارة سياحية
معظم السياح يزورون الأردن في الصيف إلا أن معظم الأماكن تخلو من المكيفات لذلك يسيح السائح من شدة الحر
المناطق السياحية أصبحت مراكز للنصب على الناس والشواطئ أصبحت مزابل
مبروك اختيار البتراء معجزة جديدة حسب تصنيف برنارد وبر لكن يبدو أن المعجزة الحقيقية بحسب تصنيف محسوبكم حريقة هي أن يصبح الأردن جاهزاً لاستفبال السياح ومعاملتهم بشكل لائق
Friday, July 06, 2007
Best National Anthem
احتلال دام مائة وثلاثين عاماً لم يمنعهم من المقاومة، وفي أواخر تلك الأعوام مارس الفرنسيون كل أنواع التعذيب ضدهم وذبحوا مليونا منهم لكنهم نالوا استقلالهم كما أرادوا
أتمنى أن نتعلم من قصتهم وألا تكون ذاكرتنا قصيرة
I'm a professional male prostitute and a part-time drug dealer
These days that's better than being an Arabic doctor.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
For all the Atafeel out there
I would like to share with the miserable Arab children this occasion,
if you're in a great mood, watch this lovely song- vola vola palombella- for the Syrian/ Italian girl more than 20 years ago on an Italian channel.
If you're in a bad mood, watch this (I do not agree with what's written at the very end but I liked the rest of it)
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Asha? I don't think so!
Yours Sincerely ........... University of Jordan- Faculty of Medicine (1996-2002)
Monday, July 02, 2007
أولاد حارتنا
في كل حارة أردنية ولاد بلعبو فطبول... أنا كنت الطشة لكن بسبب حجمي المضاعف كنت أوقف عالغول... وكان في لعيبة نص نص و كان لازم يكون في واحد او اثنين لعَيبة نعتمد عليهم في مباراياتنا مع فرق الحواري المجاورة.
كل ولد كان عنده لاعب مفضل وأحيانا يقلده مثل مارادونا أو زيكو أو فان باستن أما انا كنت شوي واقعي وكان لاعبي المفضل دبوس من أبطال الملاعب
أولاد الحارة اللعَيبة هم من شكَل منخبنا الوطني للشباب الذي هزم الصين وتأهل لكأس العالم في كندا وسيبدأ اليوم مشواره في البطولة التي سيلعب بها ورثة مارادونا وزبكو وفان باستن
والاردن بالمناسبة الدولة العربية التي تأهلت
ان شالله الشباب يرفعوا راسنا ..مش كل يوم بنتأهل لكاس العالم
هذا كليب بعد ما فزنا عالصين وتأهلنا، خالد الغول منفعل شوي