So I mentioned previously how we're doing stool "fecal" transplantation in patients with severe diarrhea from a bacteria called C.diff, whic is potentially fatal
Here's a description of the procedure
1- Walk into the room
2- Introduce yourself as the "transplant physician"
3- Explain to the patient's family that they can save his life.
4- If asked how, tell them all what they have to do is to save their poop. You can give them a "save-the-poop" card and place the transplant date on it.
5- Test the donor for blood-borne pathogens and do stool studies
6- On the big day of the transplant, ask the donor to perform his normal morning activity of defecation. Store the feces in a container (hat).
7- Soon afterwards, you can start the process of stool transplantation:
8- Pour in normal saline into the poop container.
9- Start crushing and mushing the poop mixing it with the normal saline, until it starts looking like gravy.
10- I forgot to mention: don't perform the procedure one day before Thanksgiving.
11- Continue mushing the poop for a few minutes.
12- Add barbeque sauce (optional).
13- If by now you're still not wearing gloves, it's time to do so (also optional).
14- Place the poop solution in a bag hooked to an enema tube.
15- Introduce the enema gently over a period of fifteen minutes. Use one hand to hold on the enema tube while using the other hand to hold up the poop bag as high as possible so the poop can drop slowly under the effect of gravity. Your body posture should be looking like the statue of liberty (but instead of the torch you're holding poop)
16- If the patient and the donor ask you for the 100th time if this proecdure works, tell them that a guy named Aas showed that it does.
17- After you're done placing the enema, ask the patient to try to hold on it for as long as possible.
18- Clean the patient, and tell the donor that you may have to repeatt the procedure in the future. Unfortunately, you cannot use the same poop sample more than once, hence the phrase, "same shit different day" doesn't apply here.
19- Wash your hands.
20- Wash your hands.
21- Wash your hands.
Bon appetit
3 hours ago