They had elections, whether or not they were fair is something we don't know and I don't think anyone will have the ability to tell. I hate Ahmadinajhad but I like democracy and when people vote, their opinion needs to be respected. I hate it how the US's attitude towards every other country where if "our guy" wins the elections would have been fair and the people spoke up their mind, but when the "bad guy" wins the elections are unjust.
Let Iranians vote for whoever they want to, and if they're taking the streets and are going bring down Ahmadinajhad let them do it themselves. The last time the bad guy was brought down by a criminal military invasion things did not go very well and it was a country a little bit close to Iran both geographically and alphabetically.
1 hour ago
democracy is cool so long as it produces people who do our dirty work and protect our interest.
Good post! however...
"whether or not they were fair is something we don't know and I don't think anyone will have the ability to tell."
hmmm how are you sure? There are a significant number of internal accusations that elections were rigged so I think investigations would be a logical next step
"My cousin is from Iran, they want change but they don't want the US sticking their nose in and creating another Iraq."
Creating that attitude is precisely why the mullahs supported the post-Saddam terror in Iraq in the first place: See what disorder a U.S. democracy-bringing invasion wreaks upon a country? Now the only alternative to meaningless elections is "people power".
You do understand, Hareega, that Iranian elections are mostly symbolic because the candidates are vetted by the mullahs and it is Khomeini's hand-picked successor who makes the real decisions, not the president. What opposition-supporting Iranians want goes far beyond what the opposition's candidate wants: whether or not they "accept" the results of the ballot, they have realized that they want their votes to mean something.
What will happen next is anybody's guess.
Because it's obvious that the elections were stolen. Ahmadinajhad won even the home towns of his competitors and the ministry in charge of elections decided that they should release stats every 500,000 votes instead of on a regional basis as they usually do. Not to mention the limited bandwidth, lack of media coverage in the country, cell phone coverage going down, and the top Cleric coming out to say that even he believes the elections were stolen. Maybe you should be the one to shut the fuck up and let Iran take its course.
Do us all a favor and inform yourself before you post.
What the hell are you talking about? Where do you see any U.S. intervention? Are you hallucinating or what? People in Iran are fighting to have a voice and you want to put them down why? Get a life.
"The other option is to go in there have a war and piss off millions of Iranians and have them turn on the US."
You don't think there are Iranians who are pissed off with the U.S. for gifting them with the ayatollahs? Regardless of your answer, there are options employing force yet short of full-fledged war that can be considered: examples include blockades, no-fly zones, and the recognition and armament of a government-in-exile.
BJ: good to see you.
Here's a thought: what if the U.S. declared that in the event of an Iranian civil conflict, it would not permit the use of heavy weapons by the regime? With Tehran becoming a no-fly, no-tank, no-artillery zone, how long could the mullahs remain in power?
Yes, I agree. When people vote, their opinion needs to be respected...
asoom.. investigations by whom? and what will they result in?
Solomon2.. Muhammad Khatimi was someone I had some faith in that he can open the country a little bit to the world. I agrre that the mullahs control everything in the country, but the people can stand up to them. I hope they do, but they have to do it on their own.
Blacksmith Jade... John McCain, who was close to becomignthe next US president, suggested that the current president should be more active in the results of the Iranian elections. Get a life and read the news. I did not put Iranians down, I'm glad they're taking the streets, but let them do it by themselves. Just like they brought mullahs they should taken them down themselves.
Solomon2.. the Russains and Europeans would be more than happy to help the mullahs anytime anywhere. Also be careful that the people may be against their rulers but once they get hurt themselves they will not like it. Many Iraqis hated Saddam and hated the US more. Many Iranians can hate Khameini and hate the US more.
Note: I did not delete any comment, all were deleted by those who posted them, and please people watch your language, I'm the only permitted to say fuck lol
Given the recent admission by the Guardian Council that vote counts exceeded the number of registered voters in 50 cities, I think we can know something about how fair the vote was.
TJ I agree with you, now we can tell there was some unfair play.
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very handy, thaqnx alot for this article ..... This wass exactly what I was looking for.
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