Tuesday, July 24, 2007


George W. Bush had a colonoscopy yesterday.
Colonscopy (tantheer el-kolon) is a procedure through which doctors insert a long tube from the anus down for a distance more than a meter to check for possible cancer or polyps.

It's an important procedure. I encourage everyone to have it done after the age of 50 because it can detect colon cancer in very early stages.

Now I'll forget that I'm a doctor and , unprofessionally, I would like to thank all of Mr. Bush's doctors for taking revenge for the rest of the world.

(Thanks salam for the update)

George Bush had a colonscopy yesterday. It was performed by speaker of house Nancy Pelosi! Inside hsi colon they found his head and two reporters from Fox News :D


Anonymous said...

LOOOOOOOL man :D mn el a5er heheheh

Mohanned said...

3la golet 3adel 2emam ya sameer 3'anem, 7a tetbas ya3ni 7a tetbas..Wallah ya garaba kolna ra7 noklo kan hassa wella ba3den:S

Mohanned said...

Ba3den sa7ee7, bush kan wejhom mnawwer ba3d el fa7e9:D

Hareega said...

maioush... exactly!!
mohanned... maybe because the exam didn't show anything, i wanna give him the benefit of the doubt

Anonymous said...

There were reports that Mr.Bush asked for a cigarette right after the procedure.
Sources wont confirm the validity of this news bit though.


Isam said...

LOOOL @ Palforce ...

I heard on CNN Radio that he was supposed to go on a bike ride after the procedure ... i want your medical opinion on this ;)

Anonymous said...

And to quote Jay Leno: What did the doctors find when they performed a colonoscopy on George Bush? His Head!!

7aki Fadi said...


Hareega said...

check the updates...

Palforce, salam ... haha this is hilarious!!

isam... yeah you can whatever you want after a colonscopy, there's nothing to lose

Citizen N~ said...

hehehe...OOH YES , REVENGE!

Salamonti said...

Regardless the fact that you dislike him or disagree with him, you as a doctor should not say any thing like that. That fact that he had a colonoscopyc, is not a subject that a doctor should find funny and make jokes about.
Salim Shammas

Hareega said...

shukran 3ala el maw3ethah ostaz salamonti !

Salamonti said...

its not ma3lomat its ra2i!