With posts about Khabeesah and a Sudanese woman, Hareega started two years ago.
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34 minutes ago
Hareega... (a.k.a Reega Reega Hareega) Not my real name, just the temperature here. Don't listen to the people who say that I have a sense of humor that can freeze the mercury inside a thermometer. For questions, complaints or insults email me at faristuta@hotmail.com
congrats man.. wow 2 years now
good job :)
congrats hareega, forgot to check more pearsonal stories, i mean the gossip :) keep it up dude.
I have taken your survey seriously ,and admire you for wanting such good questions to be answered to improve on site , I wish you well
and many many years to come
happy anniversary Doc
and alf mabrook ur graduation..
Congratz Dude
I love your blog man 3anjad.
3o2bal il 100 saneh, no 100 too much, 10? yeah 10 is a good start :D. 3o2bal il 3ashr sneen.
maioush, thank you very much , and thanx for taking the poll
zaid m., thanks a lot man
nadim, thank you , your opinion is important
mala2e6 :) thanks a lot, Alla ybarek feeki, thanks for taking the poll
Maher, thanks a lot dude, you're one of the very few people who check what I write in Sports here :D
7aki fadi... shokran yakhti, 10 sneen bekaffi wi zyadeh :)
Hey Hareega ... Happy Blog Birthday
2 years and going strong :)
and the survey ... Done!
thanks a lot Khalidah, zaman 3annek :)
Hareega, thanks for two years of entertainment and thought provoking bits!
Can't wait to see you back in Jordan, though, tearing up the medical community with your fresh insight and wit.
You'll know my survey ;)
WOw, two years, awesome! And not only that - two years of some great posts, that's the bonus.
Khalas as a sign of appreciation, I will have to blog about rooster soup for you :)
kinzi, thanks a lot, don't expect too much "wit and insight" from me, medical school made me lose most of it long time ago :)
Rambling Hal... thanks a lot :) One day I will taste that soup :)
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