I really wanted to kill this guy.
It's not like when you tell your friend "Oh why didn't you tell me about the party, I wanna kill you!".
No, I wanted to kill Mr. Wardam as in : I wanted him to disappear from the planet or at least be kidnapped and tortured and nobody would hear from him again.
To start with, I am a big fan of Diego Maradona. He wasn't only my favorite football star, but my childhood hero. At certain times in my childhood I adored him more than my parents (whom I love so much and I hope they haven't read this).
In 1990 Argentina, lead by Maradona, were playing in the World Cup. I was fanatic about reading al-Rai newspaper, it was the best source of World Cup news given the absence of satelitte dishes that time. I was 11 years old.
Some people didn't like Maradona, some of whom were the neighborhood kids I played football with and intentionally shot the ball really hard into their stomaches until they cried because of that.
But in Al-Rai I noticed this writer , Batir Wardam, who had a strange feeling of hatred towards Maradona. Almost all of his articles were directed against my hero.
I wondered who was that German (excuse my ignorance) who writes in Arabic to express his disgust with Maradona. I was hoping someday he'd stop writing or the newspaper would kick him out, but he kept writing.
Argentina lost to Germany in the final match of the 1990 World Cup. That was a catastrophe. I was extremely upset, but what made really angry is al-Rai's edition two days later (it was July 10th if I'm not wrong as the game was played very late on July 8th). It had a title that the game sucked, and the German performance made Maradona cry.
In the bottom of the page was a separate article trashing Maradona, written by... Batir Wardam. I was really mad, felt like someone wasn't glad enough that such disaster happened to Maradona he even wanted to humiliate him more and drive people against him.
At that point I was hoping to be a MAFIA member (although I was still 11) to go and assasinate Batir. Chop his head or shoot him in his stomach fifty times 7atta yakoon 3ebra leman la ya3taber. I still have that newspaper back home and whenever I used to see his name next to Maradona's picture I would feel like throwing up.
Many years passed by and I didn't read anything for him until recently when I found his blog. It turned out that he wasn't German and that he wasn't that "football terrorist" that I want to murder. I still cannot forget those articles from 1990 but I believe he is a nice guy that still deserve to live. Congratulations Batir ... I gave you a second chance!
that was so nice of you hareega. you not only gave batir the chance to live, and we get to hear from him, but the hope that still there is those peple who give a second chance in this life :)
LOL!!! :D
This is the funniest post man ... I LOVE IT !!! :D
Listen, lets gang up and feed abu wardam a Katleh for causing Argentina to lose the cup :)
Oh lord I am still feeling my head to make sure it is still in place. I have always thought that writing political articles against islamists was a dangerous act but never thought writing against Maradona was so lethal in the eyes of a certain 11 years old Karaki guy.
I do remember those days. I was 21 years old at the time and it was my first encounter with journalism and I loved writing about international football and until now I still think those were my best days in journalism. I wrote my best ever articles on football and until 1995 I was writing in weeklies on sports and I wish I can go back and specialize again in football.
Why did I hate Maradona? because he scored a goal with his hand in 1986 which I felt was against all the values in sports. However, and at the tender age of 36 I felt the same as Hareega when people started to criticise Zidane for what he did in the World Cup Final. I was about to kill some bloggers and friends out there who showed their disrespect to Zidane. Most of them were Brazil supporters who were executing revenge from Zidane.
Hareega I owe you my life and thank you for giving me a second chance. Now we both love Argentina (for me afater Maradona retired) so I hope I will not receive a bullet from you in the future.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL OH MY GOD Hareega... i was in tears from laughing, you cracked me up, ya 7aram batir :) LOOOOL
يعني كنت تفكر اسمه باتر فردم
و الماني متخفي و بيكتب بجريدة اردنية و بيسب مارادونا
يا باييي على خيال الاطفال
بس هلا انت عارف انه مش الماني صح؟
و الله يا حريقة اي ريلي ريلي لوف يور توبيكس
another disgruntled english fan that is still bitter over the hand of god and hence garners animosity towards diego.
But for some rzn i didn't expect the post to be about that at all, that was a lovely twist
HAHAHA i love Maradona, he was a childhood Hero tooo :D
LOL on Batir's story being german LOL! great one :) ,, remember the days of Jordanian sports presenters on JTV.. this guy, GOD! can't remember his name, they were two guys.. i relate Maradona's days to them as well and the stickers too
WHAT? Batir Wardam is not German?!
He used to trash Maradona too? DEATH TO BATIR I SAY!! LOL!
That's an awesome post Hareega! Ok ok I won't brag about how I met Maradona and that I have a soccer ball with his signature on ... damn, I'm doing it again ...
well who am I kidding here, I can't wait for someone to mention his name so I'd brag about meeting him, I just can't help it, LOL! ... but who wouldn't right?
All these feelings at 11 !!
I will stay on your good side then, and we'll give "Batir" a second chance if you say so.. mnee7 heik ??
ziad m... I know that I'm a very good person :)
Qwaider... i've been arranging this gang for 15 years hehe
maioush... ah miskeen :D
mala2e6 ... thanks a lot! likewise
no-angel.... I don't feel that sorry for england because the goal that Diego scored a few minutes after his hand-og-god goal is worth ten goals ! Anyway Argentina got the world cup and the british got the folkland islands it looks like everyone took what he loved more.
Tala.... you might be talking about Mohammad JAmeel Abdil Kader he used to present al-Majjaleh rl Riyadiyyeh in the 1980s I can't remember any other guy with him maybe Batir can help you more. Muhamad el M3iadi came after him (and Muhammad qadri hasan, lotfi el zo3bi....etc)
who-sane... Respect man, meeting MAradona is a great privilige, it's something you have to put on your CV before anything including your name ! and yes you should always brag about it
Batir... if I was better at Spanish and translated your articles and leaked them into Argentenian press your life will be at risk and Argentenian agents will be looking for you! I don't like what Maradona did in his personal life but if you look at great players they've done a few shameful things in their lives and on the pitch as well.
noura.. ah momtaz!
Anonymous... thank you for visiting, and for being an avid sport fan. I had to delete your comment because it oncluded a personal attack on him. I rarely ever delete readers' comments especially if it ioncluded a point of view but since it was a personal attack I didn't want to leave it here. Sorry mate.
Hareega, very clever how you lure me into a SPORTS post!! I'm laughing though, and learned something new!!
haha, the tite kind of freaked me out. Btw, where is Batir from? His name is kind of foreign, no?
kinzi... I'm glad I did! Maybe my next sports topic will be "that day I wanted to kill kinzi", still it's very difficult to find a reason to dislike you
sanad... Batir is Jordanian of Circassian origins, I assume his name ir originally Circassian.
Heh-heh, Hareega, may I never give you reason! :)
hareega this is the cutest post i read to you.. that was soo funny, how u knew batir from older days and now both bloggers...
but really, i can feel with your 11 years old version and the articles... lol
kiniz... hopefully not
lubna... thanks for checking!! I hope you'll always sympathasize with any 11-yr old who wants to murder someone else , I do :D
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