(a.k.a Reega Reega Hareega)
Not my real name, just the temperature here.
Don't listen to the people who say that I have a sense of humor that can freeze the mercury inside a thermometer.
For questions, complaints or insults email me at faristuta@hotmail.com
A huge 2.5 meter- snake has been around for years in a little Irbid town, scaring kids and their parents , sneaking quietly (like a snake) from one house to another
until.... one day..... this lady....
no one else but this lady....
the 80-year old SamyaMoosa Al-Alwaneh
said enough is enough....
and she f-king murdered the snake with her own bare hands.
I bet you half of Shmesani girls will pass out just by looking at the picture.
- TheJordanianmilitaryhospitalinGazahasbeenopenfor a yearandhasaccepted 204,000 Palestinianpatients, orasal-Jazeerareportedit, "JordancontinuestofuckPalestinians"
- A lawinMichiganallowsanyteenagerasyoungas 12 yearsofagetobuy a handgunaslongashehasnotcommitted a felony. Thepurposeofthislawistoallowanyteenagerwhoisasyoungas 12 yearsofagetocommit a felony.
- TheUSadministrationsisgettingtoughonIsrael. JoeBidenpubliclycriticizedIsraelforbuildingnewsettlementsandHillaryClintonyelledatNetenyahuin a 43-miniutephonecall. Itispredictedthatbythebeginningofthesummer Barack Obama's sextapewith a JewishwomanintheovalofficewillbeonDVD.
- I amrealizingthat "verysafe" townsinAmericaareveryboringtowns. Before I moveto a newtownnexttime I havetomakesuretheyhave a coupleofhomocideseveryoncein a while.
"In the picture is Richard Kuklinski, nick-named iceman. He murdered 250 men starting at the age of 13. He used to keep his victims' bodies frozen in freezers so that the police won't be able to tell the time of death once they find a body. I mentioned the term ice age above in the post so I thought about posting a picture with something related to ice. Bon Appetit."
I don't think I or anyone else can tell you the exact story of what happened, especially that each side gives its own story.
But what we know for sure, is that a student at Al-BalqaUniveristy killed another student, which led to clashes between both tribes. Those clashes include burning of of stores owned by family members of the other tribe for no reason other than sharing the same last name. Study in Al-Balqa' was held Sunday because of tensions.
The murdered victim is not the only victim in this incident. The victims are the thousands of students who missed one day of school. These classes on Sunday were paid for in advance and they will not be compensated for missing them.
The owners of these stores will also not be compensated.
The tax payers are also paying for law enforcement that proved again to be ineffective in preventing violence following a violent crime.
When the tribes meet for the usual Atweh , I would care less if the murderer ends up spending only a few years in jail. Both tribes should agree to pay the one-day tuition for all students who missed class, including their transportation fees. They should also pay for damages in every store that was destroyed and they should pay for the damages in the roads for Salt that will be fixed by the tax payers's money.
I take pride in my heritage and I recognize that the tribal system is part of my culture. However we are reaching a point where we're becoming more of a gangster country where gangs fight against gangs and we have to take sides. The law should be enforced on those morons who take guns to colleges and think they're only targeting one person. They are hurting a lot of people and the whole country ends up paying for their crimes.
Here's a clip that will make you very proud of your country:
SothemanwhofoundedFox, a newsorganizationthatfrequentlybashesMuslimsforbeingnon-tolerant, fliesto a Muslim-dominantcountrytoperform a ChristianserviceaccompaniedbytheQueenofJordan.
AsthemainFox-newsguy, we'd expecthimtonothaveanycelebrityfriendsgivenhowmuchFoxnewsdespises "celebrities" forbeing a bunchofcrazyliberals. HoweverMurdochinsistedonhavingNicoleKidmanandHughJackmanattendthebaptism.