A Jordanian guy came to America earlier this year with his mother to visit some relatives, and rented an apartment close to mine. Being a single Arab, this guy started hunting for girls to have sex with. In less than a week he started sleeping with his German neighbor and later another American neighbor.
Sometimes I call his mother who seems to be a relatively conservative religious old lady, and when I ask her if Salem (fake name) is available, she'd just laugh and reply "Walla Salem ma3 el banat, beshrab gahweh!!" I would guess what (beshrab gahweh) means and she knows very well what (beshrab gahweh) means! But it looks like she's not very concerned.
Today I called and asked again "where is Salem?"
and she answered "walla ya khalti hayyo ma3 Amanda bel berkeh, ballahi i7keelo bekaffeeh hamaleh!!"
So she knows everything. She knows that he is having sex with all these women but the only thing she does is asking me to do is help him stay away from women. I was wondering what if that lady had a daughter sleeping with American men instead? Would she have the same response?? Wouldn't that Arab girl be killed or at least dismissed from the family?
Salem called me again today and he told me the good news: He's returning to Jordan to get engaged to a girl who is very conservative, never ever had a boyfriend, doesn't talk to guys and doesn't even have the cell phone number of any guy. Way to go!
I don't blame it all on men. I think women and mothers are to blame for raising such men with this sick mentality, men who regard themselves and gods who can sin then repent in a scheduled manner, and women are ready to forgive their husbands anything in their past but know that their husbands or fancies would leave them if he discovered that she ever dated a guy.
3 hours ago
1 – 200 of 263 Newer› Newest»It is true.. it is an arab men problem..
What amazes me is that how do these MEN not worry that their one night stand might result in pregnancy and a child in 9 months time!!!
I blame it all on the parents who made it a standard for the guy to become (9aye3) and the girl to turn into a saint! or does she ;)
Great post Hareega!
This is one of the topics that really get on my nerves... Again, it all goes down to double standards, hypocricy, and priorities gone wrong. It's quite upsetting how we "confine" religion and morals to certain aspects of our lives and think that it is completely normal to do stuff that are so many levels worse than the stuff proclaimed as bad! I find it sickening...
Our society has so much evil in it, and the sad thing is, this evil is condoned under an even more disgusting conception- that of gender inequality.
I agree that men are not the only facets to blame- this issue has so many other contributing factors that it will be hard to discuss them all. As you said, there is the issue of the women counterparts, who in their quiet succumb encourage such practices. There is also religion, which is so misunderstood that people automatically justify their positions in the fact that religion allows polygamy and the taking of slaves for men, and not for women. There is also tribalism. Ahh... I can go on about this forever as this issue seriously ticks me off, but I won't... Thank you for writing this post!
How do you know she knows he sleeps with girls? Most probably she thinks he hangs out with girls and most likely thats what her son told her when she asked and of course thats what she wants to hear and hence believe.
Yea I know this is not like the core of this issue but since you mentioned the Arabic mother, I thought I'd tell you how some women treat their sons as ghizlan no matter what and I suppose she's one of them.
Have u seen him in bed ? :D
Then how can u tell ? I second SC and Roba, and as I always say men SUCK :)
ah, and exceer, pregnancy is not really the problem, protection can be used, it is all about morals :)
Well the problem is usually men use the face that woman abroad are easy to get.I hate to say that but is true :S
I guess a man who forgot what religion's opinion about this specific matter is will not matter much to him if this night stand resulted with a kid or not.
Sometimes you can blame parents coz they allow the guy 2 stay late at night and dont treat the gurl equally which can coz problems ino il shab et3awad 3al saya3a,and for the gurl when she is in a position kol ishi mamnoo3 she will want to try the things she is not allowed 2 do and go out without her parents permittion.But i guess the one to blame is the sociatity.
I'm not sure why you wonder, isnt it very normal to have such attitude from arabs?
There is no problem at all in our religions and or morals in our region, but we have serious problem in our minds, we have serious schizophrenia, we think we accept criticism while we don't, we want all covered inside and naked outside.
but again, have you seen them in bed in action?
I have nothing to add, i agree with all the others have said :) welcome to our part of the world, where most are hypocrates and everyone knows and no one does anything to change...
exceer... as nader said the problem is basically in morals; but guess what! you're right this guy never used any kind of protection and the girls with whom he slept had and still have multiple partners, so other than pregnancy i wonder about sexually transmited dieases and HIV is just one of them.
YEs it's double standards in its worst forms and hypocricy which is so hard to understand or measure, and I don't think religion is to blame. There's nothing in the religions I know that allowed men to be sexually pervert.
SC.. el gerd bi 3ain ommo ghazaal lol,
i knew that he did that ebcause he TOLD me about it. He is so damn proud of it. His girlfriends come to his apartment half naked and sit in his arms and many times she comes home and stays five minutes away till her son opens the door and then finds her bed sheets upside down!! I guess she has some idea on what's going on. He told me all that and STILL HE IS SO DAMN PROUD OF IT.
Nader.. he told me and i've seen him kissing and cuddling el shagfaat lol, even asked me "beddak shoo6 3aleeha?" ka2enhom el banat baskelait
Mira ..
Strangely enough this guy tries to give the impression that he cares about religion even tells me what he is doing is wrong but "he will repent one day" and be faithful to his wife!
He keeps blaming the "fithy" americans because they have sexual promiscuity!! I can't understand this guy, be3mal el 3ajayeb o bel aakher be7ki alla yegta3hom am awsa5hom!
Jad... lool man everybody is asking me the same question. HE told me and i've seen the girls with him kissing and i saw them talkign about it...etc if you want more graphic descirption gimme your email lool. I agree with you religion is very clear about it and it's forbidden for both, but when it comes to being religious people try to be religious in what they can afford.
People will never try to change this because they don't even admit this is a problem, they consider it OK for guys to do so andn tey're fine with it, so why would you expect them to try to change it?
Well...., this is bullshit, Aren't there any more importnant topics to talk about! suxxxxxx
Great post, you really brought out some important points. One of my American girl friends started dating an Arab guy and they had sex, and a few days later they started talking about honor killings. The Arab boy said he would readily kill his sister if she had sex. This made my American friend very mad and upset...she asked him, "how can you sleep with me yet kill your sister if she did the same? that's ridiculous." They never saw each other again....
I had a lot of attention when I was in the Arab world b/c I was blondish looking and because I was American. It didn't really make me feel good that guys wanted to hang out with me just b/c they thought that I was what they thought of as a "typical American girl" meaning I would sleep with them. If I ever did hang out with them as FrIENDS, they would flaunt me and call up all their male friends to tell them they were with an American. It made me mad, and I ended up hanging out with girls mostly!
I think some real changes have to be made. Women are treated like like crap too often, and I do blame many of the women themselves--at least the mothers. One family I lived with the mother of the son who was married kept yelling at him b/c he wasn't beating his wife and proving that he was "the man" enough...how ridiculous!
I agree it mostly its their parents fault. Some just want to have sex and dont care who they hurt in the process. I have a son to one. I gave him respect. Why would they kill the mother of their offspring too.
This is very true.. my ex boyfriend was arab. And im spanish.. we only dated for 4 months because he was just too strict.. Everytime i left my house i had to tell him where i was going.. I coulndt have any guys friends. i couldnt even be in the same room if one of my brothers friends was over.I had not one males number in my phone but my dad and my brothers. At first i didnt mind it but it just got too controlling. I do love him and i think hes a great guy but he needs a arab girl. And that was something we both agreed on
Im dating a guy from Saudi Arabia. Im basically setting myself up for heart break. I am Mexican American and I do not practice any religion. I feel like Im good enough for him to sleep with me and date me during his time here in the states (while he studies and gets a degree)....but he has every intention of going back to SA, marrying a virgin Aran Muslim woman that his mom chooses for him. It hurts me to think of this.
Actually , i'm sad that you don't understand religion and the real nature of the massively difference between men and women.
I know it's not easy to accept this situation, and I blame many men for doing such wrong sexual relations, but women are also free to accept or rejected non-virgin men for marriage.
As for me, if I don't have sex from now to then, I would be in bad health situation, so it is a NECESSITY! But I'll never marry a prostitute, or non-virgin "girl"...
This is completely outrageous... I have been dating a Yemenite for about 8 months, we are both 20yrs old and met about two years ago. I have always been self conscious about this situation and we speak about it often. He tells me that all muslim men are not the same and that I will be accepted within his culture as long as I maintain a respected status. I trust that he is being honest, but i am afraid that if we go too far i may get seriously hurt. My parents are catholic and remind me that Islamic religion is very constricted and this may be problematic.
I'm currently an undergrad student and I am not at all religious, however I am very open/respectful to different cultures. I love this guy and have considered converting; however I am not sure wheter his family would dissaprove of this and if not-- would it affect our relationship, in the long term?
I've asked him if his parents intend to arrange his marriage, and he told me the option is his. Like i said, he is young-- so he may not be taking this situation as serious as I am.. and keep in mind, he came to the US around 7years of age (so his morals and values are somewhere behind his mind.)
I am not sure if he is telling me this so I won't worry; or if he is really considering staying with me?
I have heard many opinions from my friends and most have came across really bad experiences. The comments posted on here are also a bit scary. But, in my particular case-- i would like to hear feedback from muslims.
Simple. I've lived all over the world as well as 4 Gulf countries and I know what you mean very well.
Either you are a good girl. Or you are a prostitute (Sharmuta)).
...so basically if you are locked up in the house and don't have any social life whatsoever, you're a good girl.
If you step out of the house, have friends, and try to make DECENT conversation even...you're a slut.
Messed up culture really, had enough of it.
Hey ladies! Why do you want to ruin your life by dating these men. They only want you for sex. If you have sex with them, they will not marry you. If they marry you, you will live a life of enslaved misery. Your children will be considered Muslims because they have a Muslim father. You will always be considered their subordinate rather than their equal. Be assured that they will not be faithful husbands. They will cheat on you, as is permitted by the Quran. They will have other wives, temporary concubines, etc. You will be their slave. Your son will become like his father and your daughters will be miserable all their lives in an oppresive, medieval, and draconian culture. Run as far away as you can from the life of misery that awaits you if you make the mistake of your life and couple with this person.
Roba, the truth of the matter though is that it's not a double standard. Men and women ARE different. Isn't that shocking? Basically, I'm a woman. I choose who I get laid with while men chase me. If this mother would have had a daughter, he would have took care of her not spreading her thighs for everybody, which is something the parents of those American girls should do. If I was his mother, I wouldn't really be concerned either. And what they do with the other girl is quite sane too - it's called mate guarding. Sure, Muslims are horrible at implementing anything and they're a dysfunctional group, but we're even more insane for thinking that men and women are the same.
You should blame it on the mothers of the American girls who are so willing to have sex with everybody. Nobody forced them to say no. The truth of the matter is that I will scold my son if he ever wants to have anything more than sex with a girl like the ones this guy had sex with, while I'll scold my daughters if they want to become one of those girls.
M!R@CHK@, yes, Arab men actually make the sane choice. They bang the slutty girls of the West while returning home to good girls. As I said, their implementing method of mate guarding and all this is utterly disgusting and idiotic, but hey, they're not the ones who are allowing any foreigner to bang their daughters and don't teach their daughters to say no. Also, treating daughters and sons differently is normal. Only insane people don't. Also, if you read the Qu'ran and Hadith, banging the women of other groups isn't that bad if you consider them concubines.
hareega, the prophet of Islam married a six years old girl and in Islam he is the perfect man. There you have it about Islam not encouraging perversion. Why shouldn't he be proud though? He is banging the women of another group of people.
athena, that's because men and women are different, shockingly. The truth of the matter is that most men care about how loose women are if they want more than sex. The only instances when they don't is when they just want a lukewarm hole to stick their thingy in. So the Arab guy was using your friend for sex and would have never committed to her, while nobody wants his sister to be slutty.
San Antonio Cicily, the virtue of a woman is her sexual selection, just like the virtue of a man is to not be a wimp. So what that guy does is what sane men do. They shag the sluts and marry the good girls. If a woman wants marriage, she shouldn't be a slut. Just like if a man wants marriage, he shouldn't be a wimpy no good man. When will the debate about drafting us and putting us in the first line of combat will come about this evil double standard of women not being sent to get slaughtered in war? I mean, it is a double standard to expect men to do it, while we don't. The newsflash is that we are different. But again, Western women like to have their cake and eat it too.
Shireen, you don't have to be locked up in a house. It's hilarious because I had no trouble in getting Arab men to respect me as a person and I even told some of them I find their religion disgusting(in a polite way), yet they didn't consider me a sharmuta. Actually not being one helps, ya know?
Anon, I don't want a man who will be my equal, I want a man who is better than me.
Oh, and I'd like to add. If he knocks these girls up, what? He knocked up the women of the kuffar and the kuffar will waste their resources on raising their sons. One way gene flow is the way. But again, to realize these things you must stop drinking the equality Kool Aid and remove your liberal glasses.
thats true arab me will never be faithful on you,im asian got pregnated by arab muslim men but he stood beside me even his parent was against his decision.we had two kids right now..and planning to leave him i cannot embraced anymore his stand on his life that infedility is just normal act coz they can married 5 times..woman must be a good wife take good care of the family stay whole day at the home no friends hang out,while they can hangout every night and dated girls as long as they want..at first u will accept bcoz u love him but by the time fast u will start to think is this relationship is worth fighting for?i know in future i will leave him with my kids enough all the drama that i encountere in arab world...to those who love arab me think twice its not easy to be with them..
I have met an Iraqi (whom is a doctor, married and have 2 kids). He recently claimed he is single!!!
Pending to go back to his Malay girlfriend on and off and try to get into my pants!
I'm Arabic Muslim male, Nice post and nice comments too , I have big respect for western culture believing that its a far more developed culture, personally I'm against the virginity and family arranged marrieds
Please I want to add some missing points about the current Muslim culture that these Arabic Muslim men do not talk about, its all fucken lies, the vast majority of girls in Muslim world have sex and they have all kind of sex and even sometimes they lose their virginity, but the trick is that here there is special kind of operation to make Girls look like virgins at the wedding day, so any one told you that he will marred virgin girl, sorry man your are big fucken asshole.
this people not only hypocrite but they lie on themselves and the virginity issue it come from traditions like hijab and fucken all head cover
Right now thank for China they made vagina Hymens to make girls virgin
please do not sleep with any person how believing to married virgin girl in future. I think this is very insulting to girls its like he just want to sleep with some slut!
please Girls there is nothing important than your feelings, Arab Muslim like any kind of others culture,there is good ones and bad ones, think about that before you hurt yourself
Actually I was googling for something and end up reading this article and couldn't stand not to comment. Such Men have stupid mentality and don't realize that "what goes around comes back around " .part of the responsibility is on the mother who raises such a guy ,a guy who thinks that he can do what so ever ,in the other hand any related female to him should be God fearing and conservative. And by the way Arab guys nowadays don't need to wait to go abroad or overseas to make their STUPID DURTY dreams come true
I dated an Arab guy from Tunisia, I believed we had a solid relationship not just a fling, but what bothered me was he obsession with sex. Even if he treated me good in any other way and show respect to me, I could not helped feeling like I was a sex object. He once even put his hand in my top and try to embrace my breast while the children was sitting with us, that was so embarrasing, also he always expected me to go to bed with him early hours of the night, even if the children was awake, sometimes he arrived at 06h00 pm and expected us to go to have sex at 07h00 pm, he also didn't wanna stop even when my children wake during the night and entered the bedroom, I was totally disgusted with him, but other than the total sexual obsession, he was kind and considerated.
I always feared that he would sleep around as he was insatiable and I'm not really a very sexual person, I requested we had an HIV test early in the relationship, but was also not comfortable with not condomising, even if he tested negative as I just felt that his appetite will make him to sleep with other women. I ended the relationship now, and just pray to Allah that this insatiable Arab didn't leave me with anything more than a broken heart.
Arab men come from a culture where women are used for one thing and one thing only. And that's to have sex with. Any Western women wishing to get involved with them need to be wary, as they won't respect you enough to use protection, and will demand anal sex. They are the biggest liars and sluts and they will lie through their teeth to get you into bed. And don't expect them to court you or date you. Sex is the only thing on their agenda and they will suit their needs, not yours, in bed.
What is it with Arab men and Asian women?? Is it because the Asian women are submissive or stupid because they speak a different language? Arab men like to dominate in bed and also perhaps Asian women like it up the ass?? I feel sorry whenever I see a woman in a veil because I know their husband demands them to have anal sex. Arab women never have an orgasm in their life.
wow. as a wife of a jordanian man, I have to say i'm pretty appalled at some of the generalized comments made towards men and women of the arab world. Not ALL arab women are secret whores, not ALL arab men put aside religion to have meaningless sex before marriage, not ALL arab men are obsessed with anal sex, not ALL arab women are subservient, abused, or neglected. While there are indeed social situations where the woman is expected to perform certain roles, they are not without reason. Anything I did in Jordan as far as serving guests coffee or helping prepare food was genuinely and not patronizingly acknowledged.
furthermore, there are abusive and unequal relationships in EVERY culture and country and while ones in the arab world can sometimes bordr on extreme and certainly get media spotlight, i woudl be willing to bet the u.s. has more instances of domestic abuse killings than the middle east has "honor killings" (which are not universal, by the way)
Regarding the Jordanian woman - the MAJORITY of ARAB men are UNFORTUNATELY. Stop kidding yourself - you are lucky to have found a man who is in the MINORITY. I am here to protect other WOMEN from these men. Clearly you have been brainwashed by the males in your environment because you are trying to MAKE EXCUSES FOR YOUR ARAB MEN rather than trying to protect WOMEN. Shame on you - women need to have EQUAL RIGHTS and your views are bringing us back to the dark ages. Watch the movie from Egypt about this matter and if you still disagree with me - perhaps you are not really a woman writing this.
Since the Western world was the first, who had feminist movement, then women, because of it, got the ,,pill'' which gave women the right to have sex and choose, when have babies. Since Western women are use to have a choice about her sexual behavior, some men, which come from patriarchal society, where they don't speak about sex openly, likes this advantage to find easy girls.
TO ZIGZAG - you clearly have an ignorant and low opinion of women in general. The PILL is freely used by ALL women INCLUDING MOSLEM and ARAB WOMEN... likewise the CONDOM is used by MEN for the primary purpose of protection against AIDS which is predominantly rife in Moslem countries. The condom is generally NOT used by the majority of ARAB men as they have a SIGNFICANTLY HIGHER disrespect for women - Western or otherwise.
Run, run runnnnnn as fast as you can from Arabic guys. THEY WILL NOT MARRY YOU. They listen to their moms, sisters, fathers....pleaseeee please pleaase listen to me.
I decided to leava after 10yrs of dating.
I like arab men. I don't want to marry them. They are romantic and pretty l like to use them as much as they use me. I have Iranian blood. The difference is I have many suitors who treat me nice and thank you to the parents who give us both money. We party all day, love all night. I won't ever mess up my body and give them children. Believe me they can be poor little victims too. They just don't know it. Pretty pretty men, I like latin men too. But I am successful single and my boyfriends all think they are the only one. Please strong woman who are born in the states play with them like puppies.
I have been dating an Arabic guy for 7 mo's now. We gt along well but he's made it very clear "He will never marry me..EVER" This said, he will date me till he's had enough or till he finds his "Muslim-mother approved virgin" I'm a good person, don't sleep around, educated & from a good family. He's very old school & tells me he can't marry me because his mother would never approve knowing that I have been previously married & have three children. I'm not Godly or pure & my children not his. He of course does what she says. It doesn't matter that I'm here for him & that I have done so much for him, that I love him & respect him, that it's not my fault my X-husband beat me & abandoned us. I was left in a car with the kids and about $100.- dollars on me to survive with no family to help. Yet I pulled through with my own two hands working night & day, sometimes non-stop to get by. I'm perfect & he loves me but he hides me with shame. I can't meet any of his friends or family. I have accepted this because I fell in-love with him. I respect other cultures & love others with sincerity & honesty. I am a humble woman & live by my word. I've thought about this situation lately a-lot & I'm ending it. I feel I disrespect myself by staying with a person or trying to be a part of a group of people who hold love & respect for others in such low regard "That's if you are not of their own". How can you say you follow any religious path or God's will when you do all the opposites of what God represents. When you judge, condemn & are a a liar & a hypocrite? To deserve Most Arabic or Muslim's respect I have to be single, virgin & "perfect". Even their woman trash us all other woman in general & in my case Mexicans because we are not pure or educated such as them. We dance, sing, wear too much make-up & are unwed with children. Damn us! Like we plan to struggle more than we already do & put our children through it all. They are better & we are nothing but sluts & ignorant people. I have changed the way I dress, mind you I'm conservative but it's not enough for him. I have stopped going out & doing what I like to please him. So much for what? To be last, to be set apart like I'm some animal. To be made less because I'm not them. I too have feelings & I'm worth so much. I want to be with a man who understands that marriage or a relationship is about respect for each others life. Having a good partner is such a blessing & that NO-ONE is perfect ONLY GOD. I can't live with myself knowing I am letting these people dictate who I should be & what I should be & what makes me worth anything! They "HE" is the one who doesn't deserve a person like me. They criticize white men & woman saying they are trash, cheap, with no morals or ethics & liberal~ the bastards! When I say: I love all because I'm not ignorant, because I have the capacity to understand and accept that we cant be the same & our circumstances or bad choices don't make us bad. It is a part of life, this is how we learn! I'm an excellent woman to say the least, excellent protective mother, excellent provider with no government assistance, excellent member of society, excellent at home in all aspects, excellent lover, excellent friend, excellent employee, honest & very loving. "White people" & my people have taught me hard working & to be independent, to thrive, to love, to be free, that my opinion counts, that it's not wrong to be who I want to be, that exploring is not evil, that I can survive as a single mother & be proud. I've NEVER been with a "white" or American man that has EVER treated me disrespectfully or has ever used me.
He does not deserve what I have to give. I place value on me & don't need anyone else to do so. To you Arabic woman & men, Muslims specially. God is watching & I'm sure he's not applauding. I accept my responsability in this "relationship" & I am sad & depressed about it all, but in time will move on. Lesson learned! I did right by him. "A Mexican woman" respect and love all people without hate & this makes me a better person.
you're very right.
Maybe my family and I are just weird, but I think that misogyny, especially in Arab societies, is prevalent among women even more than men.
When I say that I mean women encourage and perpetuate it. I'm a proud Arab man, as promiscuous as the next, as was my brother before he got married, and there have been no double standards where our sisters are concerned.
My eldest sister had several boyfriends before she got married, besides having travelled to study abroad, and my second sister is bisexual and fully out.
Then again, the family has always been secular, though some people will just tell you we're weird!
98 Percent of arab guys are like that...base on my experience...They dont even know what TRUE LOVE is.
Most of them are non-pork eaters ( but am not saying not all because in everything there is always an exemptions). But they fuck like boars. Sexually speaking, they are the filthiest. They look at you like you are naked. I finally believed all the comments against arab men when i went to an arabian country. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo unfaithful! Discover it for yourself. They cannot even define what is TRUE LOVE. Courting is inexistent in their country. They use their wealth and charm to satisfy their earthly desire. In Islam, if u are a man, you are dignified, you're important, your the king, your are everything (ISLAM- is PRO-MEN and anti-WOMEN)...
am so sad to hear this because our religion islam put very strict rules for the relationships between men and women if it was for man or for woman they must stay virgin tell they get married they not allowed even to touch each other unless brother or father ofcoarse maybe that is way weak Muslims or the one with no responsibility travel to have such relationships and by the way Muslims girls have social life and have friends to go OUT and have fun with them and have males teachers whom she talked to and have males as classmate and workcollege we dont live in a cave and we are super happy and we know what we want and by the way since we born tell we dies it is our father and after that brother responsibility to take care of us and give us moneyand all we need if we didnt get married coz if we do its our husband responsibility that becouse our religion kept us our dignity so if you see male muslim doing any thing opposite to what i said you should know that this is not our real religon and educated muslims girls dont take or marry such men they are like a rubbish for us when we going to marry some one our all family ask about him from his freinds ,work, neighbor,the places he studied at and even his enemies if he has so plz look at real Muslims males and females before you judge them or talk about them
am so sad to hear this because our religion islam put very strict rules for the relationships between men and women if it was for man or for woman they must stay virgin tell they get married they not allowed even to touch each other unless brother or father ofcoarse maybe that is way weak Muslims or the one with no responsibility travel to have such relationships and by the way Muslims girls have social life and have friends to go OUT and have fun with them and have males teachers whom she talked to and have males as classmate and workcollege we dont live in a cave and we are super happy and we know what we want and by the way since we born tell we dies it is our father and after that brother responsibility to take care of us and give us moneyand all we need if we didnt get married coz if we do its our husband responsibility that becouse our religion kept us our dignity so if you see male muslim doing any thing opposite to what i said you should know that this is not our real religon and educated muslims girls dont take or marry such men they are like a rubbish for us when we going to marry some one our all family ask about him from his freinds ,work, neighbor,the places he studied at and even his enemies if he has so plz look at real Muslims males and females before you judge them or talk about them
am so sad to hear this because our religion islam put very strict rules for the relationships between men and women if it was for man or for woman they must stay virgin tell they get married they not allowed even to touch each other unless brother or father ofcoarse maybe that is way weak Muslims or the one with no responsibility travel to have such relationships and by the way Muslims girls have social life and have friends to go OUT and have fun with them and have males teachers whom she talked to and have males as classmate and workcollege we dont live in a cave and we are super happy and we know what we want and by the way since we born tell we dies it is our father and after that brother responsibility to take care of us and give us moneyand all we need if we didnt get married coz if we do its our husband responsibility that becouse our religion kept us our dignity so if you see male muslim doing any thing opposite to what i said you should know that this is not our real religon and educated muslims girls dont take or marry such men they are like a rubbish for us when we going to marry some one our all family ask about him from his freinds ,work, neighbor,the places he studied at and even his enemies if he has so plz look at real Muslims males and females before you judge them or talk about them
Great advice. I am happy to visit here. I hope you continue to do the sharing through the post to the reader. I wonder if you have any update on the item.
I am an Arab Muslim.
And I want to say that every society has the good and bad. Those Arabs who have sex before marriage are considered corrupt. Because Islam adultery or sexual relations before marriage. In the Law of the Muslim adulterer and the adulteress shall be punished in the same sentence. Islamic Sharia does not differentiate between a woman and man, if he had committed mis. If the man or woman committed adultery would be punished on the skin 100 times according to Islamic law. But if the man or the woman is married and committed the crime of adultery, Islam is punishable with death for men and women.
Means the penalty varies on if the man was married or not.
By the way most Arab countries do not apply Islamic law.
Do you know why the Arabs corrupt to go to the West if they wanted to have sex.
Most Arabs do not like girls U.S. and Europe only exploit them for sex, because it allowed the U.S. and Europe. And if he wants to marry a woman he is of course a woman does not want to have sexual relations with other men. So back to his country and marry a virgin of the Arab woman.
And there is something else. If an Arab man was exposed that he was practicing adultery, most Arab women do not agree to marry him would be bad reputation among the Arabs. Islam means equal to the punishment of men and women in the case of adultery. The problem is in the customs and traditions that are contrary to the law of Islam and the death that differentiate between men and women. The problem is not Islam, but in the people who do not follow Islam.
I would advise any Western woman should not have sex before marriage. Because it will become a game in the hands of men Hitch.
In the law of Islam if a man really loves the woman he should marry her first and then having sex after marriage and this love will be built in the house of a family's security.
For polygamy allowed in Islam, but there are conditions to him ((1 - to be the number of wives only four at the most. 2 - to be a man capable of alimony to all the wives of the four and equality among them. 3 - If a man can bear the responsibility of the wives of the four do not have the right to marry only one))
And by the way many Arab men do not marry only one
Because they can not bear the responsibility of more than one wife.
Diversity is necessary because the number of men less than women. If every man married one woman will be more women without a husband ..
American man marries one woman and proud of it and then find him betraying his wife with dozens of women.
And I apologize for my English is weak
wow! I think both (man and woman) are guilty.
And I think your story is true. Thanks, you share a truth.
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WOW! this is what i really needed in order to complete my research on arab men. i guess the best way to know a people, is to live with them in their society. we need to raise awareness and change the evils in our cultures. its not helping us, and it sure aint helping our cildren!
All these writing is fully noncense witten by people who even donnot know what Arab means. We are not a people, not a religious, not same. We are only people who speak, read and write the same languuice, Arab. We are very different people. Our real nationality is what you call Family. Our family functions like a royal state and one in the family is the boss. Therefore mariage is business+politics.Love in a mariage is luck, usely not the way westerns know it. Therefore adultery is common, also for woman, but we look away and donnot talk about it. So, donnot geralise us Arabs, we are all different and the borders in which we live have been created by colonial powers and do not excist really in our harts. And donnot forget: Arabs can have any religion, even in Palastine you find many Christian Arabs, like in all the other countries made by Western powers with lying and cheating. Please talk about things you know and understand. Latif Tunis
What I forgot to mention: Western Women and men are flocking the Arab world (especially the Magreb) looking for sex. And most of them do not want to understand, that the sex they find is BUSINESS. Our families are hoping for marriages with you. That gives our family a link to Europe or Canada. Our families are royal states, looking for expansion, mariage is policy+business. Feelings the way you westerners have them in these cases have no value for our families. Latif Tunis
ATTN WESTERN WOMEN: I wouldn't go near an Arab man unless you are prepared to have anal sex with them. That's what they are used to in their culture and many of them probably do it with guys too when they can. Arab women are used to this in their culture with their husbands demanding it and pinning them down if they don't. Trust me I know from personal experience from western women. Unless you are prepared to constantly smell your ass everytime you go to the toilet - that's what will happen if you have anal sex - you will get a bigger hole down there and will smell everytime you go to the toiled. Disgusting pigs stay away! One Arab we know also likes to spit in the girls mouth as a sign of dominance. He is evil.
I just searched "Arab being promiscuous" after accidentally watching a certain video. And I have to admit I have lost a lot of respect for the Arab people. They are so far away from what their predecessors left behind.
While it might be true that not ALL Arabs are the same I've seen this trend in many Arab people. In my time in Saudi I saw girls get kidnapped right in the middle of a busy street.
They say they follow Islam yet they commit such heinous acts. And don't be fooled by the topic of this blog, it isn't just Arab men, it is also Arab women. And it is also very hypocritical when you find these Arabs hate on the west for their lewd culture yet come to the west for that very purpose (to have illicit relationships).
To be honest at this point, I would label the Arab countries as simply Arab, and not Islamic anymore because they say they are Muslims yet commit the worst atrocities. And to give you guys some perspective, it is illegal to torture here in the USA so USA sends Muslims captives to Islamic countries such as Syria and Jordan where they torture fellow Muslims!
They cry for Palestine (May Allah relieve all their problems) yet on the other hand torture Muslims in their countries.
To all my Arab people reading this: Fear Allah! You come from the land of the final messenger (pbuh), speak the same language as the Quran.
None of the Arab countries are Islamic anymore, just hypocrites who criticize the western culture for its lewdness and then follow that very same culture.
arab men are double standard. No doubts, they use the region as a reason to do so. Women can't do this or that else they shame the family, men can do anything as he is men! The culture and their religion encourage them that way. If you can't stand double standard and you want equality in the 2 genders, stay away from these arab men. They never heard equality in their life. Also, why should they "fix" their culture when it is to their advantage, even if they know it is moraly wrong! They will be selfish if they can..
I want to say @$$#% their religion. Look at afganistan women and men, is it so hard to tell the word "equality" doesn't exist in their dictionary? Also, do not believe in their sweetness, they ARE NOT once you "belong" to them.... I see arab men are very uncivilized, no matter how they dress or how they groom themselves or how handsome they are. Deep down, they are stink!
I thought i am alone.What the original writer in this blog is absolutely right.Arab men are animal.They never know what is love and what is human being.They think all women are animals.
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To all Western women PLEASE stay away from Arab men they are filthy. Out of control and Out of Order. They have no respect for themselves or women. You are nothing but sex to them this is how they were raised and they will NEVER marry you, unless you are white with blonde hair, and that is considered a come up to the family. They do not understand what love is have no clue. They are Carnal Animals plain and simple. This is the truth.
Western women, if you want the dark and handsome go American, Italian or Spanish but Arab men are DANGEROUS...no matter how nice they act PLEASE RUN!!!!!
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Arab men are very attractive to Jennifer L. Gregor of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who seeks them out for sex and love. Jennifer L. Gregor is an American living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She admits she has been very attracted to Arab men since college. Jennifer won't date men other than Arabs and says they are the best in bed and do so much to satisfy her, unlike American men.
Jennifer L. Gregor met many of her Arab boyfriends in college and later in her work life. Milwaukee, Wisconsin does not have a large Arab population, but Jennifer L. Gregor met some of her Arab boyfriends on vacation. Jennifer L. Gregor has said there is so much excitement in a long-distance romance.
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