I wish i can know the great mind behind its discovery, or better say invention.
A super-thin and super-delicious layer of grape dried in certain way that you can have nuts included within, and you keep eating and the more you eat the more hungry you get, to the point i started suspecting some that some sort of drugs may be injected into this incredible brownish substance.
My grandmother has been making Khabeesah for half a century, and i have been eating it for the past quarter century. Many times I tried watching her make it, but still there's a secret in that damn Khabeesah that I can't know, some secret in its making that only God Almighty and jeddeti know it. Maybe the other old woman in Salt know it as well, but i have tried many "Khabayes" and the best one i had was my grandmother's, welli mesh 3aajbo yballet il ba7ar.
Before I left to America I was certain there were many things I would miss, people, places and faces, good shawermas and khabeesah. Now my grandmother is too old to even eat Khabeesah, and I don't think i'll ever have her khabeesah again, but i wish that secret of transformation of grapes and nuts into khabeesah will be revealed, at least during my age!
3 hours ago
Man shaheitni; I haven't had kabeeseh in forever, even years before I left Jordan. But what I am craving now is Khobiz taboon...i can kill for some taboon from that particular makhbaz in fuheis.
mabrook il blog khayyoh. now i can disagree with you on your own web space ;-)
Khabeesah ok
i thought you are talking about Khabseh or Khabsah bel khalijey :D
well i never tried it ...
but looks yumy .. :)
welcome to jordan planet :)
man as i was writing that kont 3am bashalle3 sha3ri just remembering shwalaat el khabeesah we had at our home and how i used to enjoy eating them watching soccer games aaaaaih
disagree khayyo gadd ma beddak, brazil and argentina may play again soon in the confiderations cup o my god ea7 tshoof el roo7 el reyadiyyeh lool , lal rokab
I don't know about that makhbaz in fuhais , i remeber eating khobez taboon from a makhbaz 3ala tereeg el Salt, gad ma hoo zaki momken takol 50 rgheef 3ala 3'afleh
if you haven't tried khabeesah, ma3nato ra7 3aleek noss 3omrak, meaning if you were supposed to live till you're 120, you'll only live till 60. If it goes to not trying shawerma or mansaf then lazem tla77eg 37alak men hassa
o 3ogbal el 120
thanx iyas and ibrahim for your welcome :)
oh man wiat a minute wait a minute, i remebered khabeesah now .. yeah but i tried it when i was 15 years old i visited "Tel" my vilage in nablus- plaestine and my relatives there invited me to dinner i was kid so they told me to try khabysah ... and it was veeeeeeerry sweeeet ... i remeber i drank more than 5 cups of waters after that lol :D
I congratulate you I guess you'll live a minimum of 120 yars now, and yeah it's very sweet, khabeesah makes you gain weight and i gained a lot weight eating khabeesah although shawerma has to do more with the beautiful karsh i have.
Man ma 3am batabi3 il confed cup. i just thought there is no way it will be on TV. Oh how wrong I was. so tomorrow sa7iyeh bakkeer 3ashan Japan/Greece then Mexico/Brazil.
and when it comes to roo7 riyadiyeh...ana bafarjeek, ya azraq ya m'7attat!
Welcome to the blogsphere Hareega:)
I'm enjoying your posts, please keep it up :)
LOOL! My friend actually just got me a bag of khabeesah that his mother made... We call it "ra2a2a" in the family :) My mom's healthy alternative to fruit roll ups...
Welcome to the blogger sphere :)
Ibrahim, they call it r2a2a in Nables...
Brazil lost to Mexico 1-0 a while ago
with mercy
Mexico missed a penalty kaman
Brazilians should watch their words when they say they're the best team in the world!! They're the best team only in the month of the world cup, other parts of the year... THEY SUCK BIG TIME !!
thanx a lot for the welcome. Where have i heard your name before lol? Anyway my blog is best read with a cigarette just to let you know !
el Nabilsiyyeh 3ala 3aini o rasi, but i prefer the name khabeesah. Just hearing the name khabeesah make you psychologically prepared to eat it.
and thanx for ur welcome
do you want to rub salt on it? i came here to tell you the score and laqeitak btishmat fiyyeh...
ba3dein ya akhi leish 7assis inni ba3rafak? latkoon il khabeesah? i don't know many people nowadays who cherich it
ma2boole minnak bas la innak doctor :p
Jameed khayyo tez3alesh i'm just trying to convert you away from the evil religion of brazilism
o ashmat feeko hassa lamma te5saro men il maxeek a7san men lamma ashmat feeko lamma tekhsaro men il yaban o hondoras (yes you lost to hondoras 3 years ago with the first team loool)
Eh ya rayto mabrook Hareega, nice blog!
Bas this Khabeesah things really seems khabeesah :o, I never tried it, and I have like 293852 caries in my teeth,so I wont enjoy it anyway:p
thanx for ur welcome,
fix the caries then try it, there's no excuse not to try it!
when u try it u'll know what i mean
i've witnessed the khabeesah making process in my own backyard. Sho zaman 3an Khabeesah fresh bi graish :D
Fares i just put in a request for khabeesah. if i ever get it..i'll hook you up with some Jordanian fruit will take some time though.
which makhbaz? the one by the Dowar, near the taxi office?
so samarmar what is the secret nehind khabeesah making? there should be something put in!!
Desribe the whole process in less than 450 words.
My mother from nablus and she do it for us but we call it MALBAN
bt3raf fare2 el3omleh :)
by the way i really like ur posts Hareega,it really make my day
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