A girl got married when she was 17. When she turned 22 she was diagnosed with cancer in her ovary. Her husband went after her doctors to write him a statement that the cancer has probably started before the age of 17, so by the time they got married she was already having a cancer even if it was so tiny that no medical test whatsoever could have detected it. What was his motive? He wanted to show the court that he married her with her having the cancer so he won't pay for her treatment and would divorce her without paying any expense after divorce because he did not know that she had cancer by the time they got married.
Everytime I encounter a patient with a debilitating illness I think of their relationship with their partner and how such hard times can be a real test for their relationship, and what happened today proved to me how true that is. I am taking care of a sick young person with a leukemia (blood cancer) and his condition is gradually getting worse. He and his fiancee were told that he probably won't be able to make it at all. His fiancee seemed to be a nice person and I was hoping that she would stand by him during this difficult time.
This morning I went into his bedroom and found an unusually great number of people, and his fiancee told me in tears that they were getting married in the room. I looked at him and behind his oxygen mask he gave me a smile.
Her wedding day was not what exactly like she wanted it to be. It came in the worst situation and the worst place ever to have one, but it was with the right man and that what counts in the end. When she was asked "Will you love him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health", she answered with actions and not words.
What a contrast between the first jerk and the second angel ...
This is exactly what gives a real evaluation of the human and the strength of the love that bonded them together ... if someone sees a partner's sickness as a way out, this is an indication of selfeshness and inhumanity.
You really see a lot in your job ... I know that it is too much to handle sometimes .. do you ever get used to this?
I lift my hat for that women. She has my full admiration and high respect. Yaa heek el ekhlas wel 7ob yaa bala!
raindrop.... no i don't mind, thank you for visiting
Khalidah... yes i see a lot, some scenarios i see are unbelievable but i never felt it's too much to handle. Maybe keeping doctors busy all time makes them less emotional, i don't know. I think of the things i encounter only when i'm leaving work.
vimto.. i also respect that woman so much. I know how all women dream of their wedding day and the flowers and the wedding dress but she cared less about all that when it came to true love.
raindrop.... no i don't mind, thank you for visiting
Khalidah... yes i see a lot, some scenarios i see are unbelievable but i never felt it's too much to handle. Maybe keeping doctors busy all time makes them less emotional, i don't know. I think of the things i encounter only when i'm leaving work.
vimto.. i also respect that woman so much. I know how all women dream of their wedding day and the flowers and the wedding dress but she cared less about all that when it came to true love.
That was touchi !
RRH, that was a great story to start the day with. Please tell them they have blessed people all over the world (well, 6 of us) and I will pray for them.
It is truely inspiring though to know that some people somewhere in this world still honor love and marriage the way they should be.
dar and sugar cubes... thank you
kinzi... it's too late to tell them that now, but hopefully God will listen to your prayers
WAWWWW Iam asking myself if i were like this situation what could I do???
but I beleive that God is Good
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