Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pictures I took: A little here and a little there

Here are some pictures that I stole from my facebook account,

This one I took in Monterey, California. In this little town with outstanding weather you can find old ugly small houses for 2 million dollars.

This is Chicago, by Lake Michigan, it's really something. Never got sick of coming here.

However if you think of renting a car in Chicago, always consider this:
Of course some "Chicagans" will jumpt to say this is unfair: you can easily find places to park your car for 20 bucks.
This is Tucson, which often surprises me as not being so ugly:

Finally, if you don't know what to get me from my birthday, go to what's labelled as "the biggest gift shop in the world" in Las Vegas and bring me this for 18 bucks. I really wanted this but thought to myself, "why pay for things you can get for free?"


Anonymous said...

Fart machine, you got it.

Sharkooseh said...

lol @fart machine
an dvery nice pix :)

Anonymous said...

Ya salaam, Doctoour, you will make a very fun daddy to sons. And your wife will roll her eyes a lot.

Did you see Carmel, too, and go to the Aquarium? Love that place!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Fares,

Hey, it seems that I will collect all the fart in a bottle, and send it to you by Fedex.OK?
(Original is better than Artificial)
hehehe... :-)

Hareega said...

hamede, waiting for your gift

sharkoosheh... thank you!

kinzi... I went to the aquarium, it was really a good one but a bit small, not sure what Carmel is. We drove a bit by the Pebble beach but we were told we had to pay 20 or 30 dollars to just drive by it!!

anonymous, thank you, I will wait for your package. I may send you another one in return

Anonymous said...

so I'll understand from this, it's your birthday? Happy Birthdayy :) How old is doctor Hareega now?

Hareega said...

my birthday is axctually in november, but i was telling people to get prepared, i'll turn 29

Anonymous said...

very very coooooool pictures..
sa7ee7....mta your birthday Dr.Hareega?

Hareega said...

thank you,


Ali Dahmash said...

haha the Fart machine is fun, used to like such toys when I was a kid!

Whisper said...

loooooooool what i really liked that they take the toy seriously
y3ny ...first of all they improved it to no 2
2nd it's works up to 100 FT....(hehehe i liked FT this v much...sarat el fart mo7tarameh w 2elha 2e5tesaaaar)
3rd "oregenal fart machine" loooooooooooooooooooooooooool
w warning w 7alaeh
i laughed my heart really...thanks man