Sunday, April 30, 2006

السادة حضرة اعضاء مجلس النواب الافاضل: الله يخزيكوا

ساسجل عتابا على مجلس نوابنا وهو عتاب على قدر المحبة لذلك سيكون صغيرا للغاية و من حق اي مواطن اردني ان يخشى من انتقاد مجلسه وهو يتذكر كيف شلو امل رئيس بلدية الزرقاء الذي مارس ديمقراطيته و قال بان ثلاثة اربعاء النواب كاذبين...... و ربما قالها على قعدة سكر او بعد جلسة في صالون سياسي مخمج او فقط لجذب الانتباه وربما كان عميلا متصهينا للموساد يعمل على زعزعة امننا او ربما كان متاملا في المجلس ان يتقبل منه التعليق بروح رياضية لانه مجلس الديمقراطية لكن الزلمة اعتذر بشده و اوضح انه كان يقصد نواب العالم.... من ط** ستي نواب العالم كانه بعرف حدا فيهم
على اي حال تلك كانت قصة قديمة عن مجلس نواب قديم وجاء مجلس جديد وانا نزلت عمادبا وصوتت لابن عشيرتي اللي بعمري ما شفته ولا راح اشوفه بحياتي لكني لاحقا سمعت بعض اقواله الماثورة و اكتشفت ان فهمه بالسياسة يطابق فهم ستي بالسريلانكي
و جاء مجلس النواب الجديد ولم ينتظر النواب كثيرا فاصدروا قرارا باعفائهم من جمارك السيارات ورغم ان المليون ليرة تاعت الجمارك هاي لن تكسر ظهر البلد لكنها الرسالة الواضحة التي ارسلها النواب للشعب الذي انتخبه هي الاصبع الاوسط وخذوا مش فارقة معنا لو بتموتوا جوع المناسف اللي طعميناكو اياها قبل الانتخابات بتكفيكو اربع سنين

ثم جاء قانون جرائم الشرف فصوت النواب ضد المراة الاردنية وضد حقوق الانسان، حتى بلغت الجراة باحد اشباه الرجال ان يقتل اخته المتزوجة والدة لثلاثة اطفال لانه يعتقد انها مش شريفة و حمل جسدها الى المخفر متحديا الشرطة واي اردني مين اللي بقدر يعتبره قاتل او يطيل حبسه في سجن سيعتبر فيه بطلا وسيستقبل عند الخروج منه كالفارس المغوار لان من وراءه مجلس نواب يهتم بجمع السيارت اكثر مما يهتم بارواح الاردنيات وارزاق العائلات

مع احترامي الشديد لبعض اعضاء المجلس- هاذي طبعا بقولها لتوفير بعض الحماية

Thursday, April 27, 2006

More and more old precious pictures from Jordan ....

Aqaba's Fort from outside, Photos taken by T. E. Lawrence at the time of the capture of Aqaba
The capture of Aqaba.... one century ago!
Now this is a very rare picture!

Prince Abdullah (who later became King Abdullah the First) with Winston Churchill, Secretary of State for the British colonies, at the Jerusalem Conference, March 1921; the photo shows Mrs Churchill, Sir Herbert Samuel, the High Commissioner of Palestine, Mrs. Samuel, General Ghaleb Pasha Sha'alan, Colonel Fu'ad Sleem, and Colonel Aref Al-Hassan.

You could identify King Abdullah with his Hattah and Churchill with his eyes!
The only train in Jordan!

Late King Hussien's own signature on this card, you can buy it on ebay for only four thusand dollars.
The Roman Theatre one century ago, it's difficult to tell which one is this, the one in amman or the one in Jerash, any idea?? Time Magazine- 1956. I just bought this magazine for ten dollars!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Old pictures from Jordan- PART TWO

King Abdullah and Glub Basha in 1947.... that year my grandfather started looking for a wife

Five Jordanian Dinars, from 1949. If my grandfather had this money in his pocket he would have immigrated to Switzerland.

Picture personally signed by late King Hussein in 1952.

This is an issue of Time Magazine in May 1948 (King Abdullah- King of TransJordan)- I HAVE THIS MAGAZINE!

Interesting old pictures form Jordan

This picture was taken on April 30th, 1953. It's a rehearsal for the coronation ceremony of late King Hussein who was 18 years old by then. (just in case you were wondering why did we use to get a vacation on May 1st?)
Black Spetember

King Faisal's Street in Amman in 1950

Skyline View of Amman in 1964....

This is a picture of Jordanian soldiers searching for PLO weapons in 1971

This picture below follows the six-day war in 1967 were people went out in demonstrations.

This picture above is of Amman during the sad incidents of Black Spetmeber where all shops were closed after applying the martial law.

thank you ebay!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

الرجل الثالث

تعرفت على الرجل الثالث قبل عدة سنوات، ومنذ ذلك الزمان بدا يؤرق مضجعي ويسلب مني جزءا هاما من سويعات النوم التي احتاجها بين فترات العمل المنهكة
كان لي لقاء معه قبل يومين. ادخلت مريضا تجاوز عمره قرنا من الزمن الى المستشفى بنزيف في المعدة. وبعد منتصف الليل بقليل اتصلت بي الممرضة بقلق.... بدا ضغطه يهبط واطرافه تبرد

ذهبت الى غرفته واذا به في غيبوبة وضغطه لا يكاد يقرا. اتصلت بابنه لاخبره بما حصل واجابني باكيا انه لا يريد ان يعيش والده على جهاز التنفس وانه اذا ما توقف عن التنفس فسادعه يترك هذه الدنيا بسلام

ذهبت الى غرفة العجوز المحتضر واذا بي اراه يتنفس بصعوبة والعرق يتصبب منه كالشلال. خرجت الممرضة و بقيت وحيدا معه ..... ارقب رجلا عاش مائة عام وها هو يموت بين يدي شاب لم يلقه سوى قبل ساعتين، وشعرت بذنب لم اقترفه و خطيئة لم ارتكبها

رويدا و رويدا بدا نفسه يتعب و دقات قلبه تهدا، وادركت ان الوقت حان، ابنه قال لي انه يحتاج نصف ساعة ليصل وبدات احاول فعل ما بالامكان لجعله يصمد ولو لدقائق حتى يصل ابنه لعله يقبله قبلة الوداع او ربما يقرا من وجهه الصامت حكمة اخيرة لا يستقيها سوى الابن من وجه ابيه

كنا وحدنا رجلان اثنان في غرفة واحدة، وسمعت وقع اقدام الرجل الثالث تقترب، وكلما خف نبض العجوز كلما سمعت وقع اقدام الرجل الثالث بوضوح اكثر. نظرت الى العجوز و بدا نفسه يهدا و توقف جسده عن الاهتزاز والعرق عن الانسكاب وبدا مرتاحا بقدوم الضيف الجديد وكان بينهما موعدا مسبقا

ادركت ان الرجل الثالث قادم لا محالة .... لماذا انتظر قرنا من الزمان و لا يقدر الانتظار نصف ساعة الان؟ لماذا يصر على الحضور دوما دون تلقي دعوة رسمية؟؟

ومع النبضات الاخيرة وقفت امام العجوز اشاهده يرخي براسه الى الوراء ونظرت الى جهاز نبضات القلب و هو يقرا صفرا وادركت ان الرجل الثالث قد دخل الغرفة كعادته بوقاحة دون استئذان. ادركت انني اذا لم اكن اراه فهو بالتاكيد يراني فابتسمت لعلي اكسب وده لاتفاداه ولابدي ارتياحي كيلا يكشف عجزي امامه و ينقض علي

خرجت من الغرفة الكئيبة و بدات اعبا اوراق الوفاة وتركت الرجلين في الداخل يتحدثان في حوار لم يستطع احد سماعه و تهيا لي ان الرجل الثالث غادر الغرفة وبدا يحوم بين الغرف يسترق النظر على الاجساد المتعبة مفكرا في الدخول قبل ان يستدير نحوي و ينظر الي بشفقة نادرة ويتركني وحيدا في الليل اتتبع اثاره بحرص شديد وانتظر ابنا يتيما خسر سباق الزمن مع الرجل الثالث

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Typical Jordanian

Is there a picture in your mind for a typical Jordanian?

Is it an old man with a somewhat dark skin and a Hatta over his head and a Kashra on his face? Is it an old woman wearing Fallahi with wrinkles all over her face almost totally obstructing her small black eyes, and three thick lines of tattoos running down from her lips down her chin?

Is it a young man wearing a collar shirt with some of his chest hair showing up thru his partially-buttoned shirt, with the names of fifty girls on his cell phone but can barely call any of them? Or is he a person who wakes up early every morning weaing a suit and works 12 hours a day?

Is it a young a lady who wants to study and work so bad to prove that she can be as good or better than a man or is she just hanging out in college and can't wait for the lucky dude who'd marry her and ask her to stay away from work?

What does the typical Jordanian speak? Does he speak Arabic only and avoids English because he's not good in it, or does he sbeak english to try to imbress othar beoble? Does he speak 3arabizi with a lot of "ya3ni"s and "pecause"s or does he only speak in english pecause it makes him superior to his co-workers and friends?
And what does the typical Jordanian think of those? Would he be impressed by those speaking in English or does he think they are super-fagets with their brains polluted by the media driven by the West?

Does the typical Jordanian like having an affair before marriage? Does he still wanna marry a woman traditionally or does he want to be with her for 3 years before he talks to her father? Does he want all people to know each other before marriage or does he secretly rejoice when he knows that an "honor killer" got away with his murder?

What does the typical Jordanian girl think of relationships? Is she totally against it, or does she strongly want one but can't have any? How far can she go with the typical Jordanian man in a relationship?

Does the typical Jordanian still exist? Does he look like Abu Mahjoob or is Abu Mahjoob only the old typical Jordanian? Does he look like Muhamad el Wakeel with his simplicity? Does he look like Som3a with his naiivity? Does he look like King Hussain (bless his soul) with his humbleness?

Does the typical young Jordanian love to eat and eat and stick his ass to a sofa all day long or does he spend a third of his salary and time in the gym? Can the typical Jordanian girl cook like a chef or does she spend half an hour making fried eggs?

Is the typical Jordanian generous that he can truly give you offer you more than he afford, or is he stingy and would complain if you had a cup of coffee at his house? Does he always give the poor or does he have to look for what charity means everytime he hears about it? Is he friendly? Is he tough? is he tough and friendly? Does he respect women or is he a chauvenistic pig?

Do you still have a picture of "the typical Jordanian" in your mind?

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

¡Sí, Se Puede!...... porque......

Today about one million latinos went into the streets in the US to protest considering illegal immigration illegal. I wanted to take a day off to say i'm going with the people but I realized that my mouth breath of nachos from yesterday's dinner didn't fool people enough to consider me a latino. Some counter protest took place and a few old men pulled down the Mexicen flag and burned it.

I still have mixed feelings about the whole thing, and living in Tucson makes it impossible for anyone to avoid talking about it. I sympathasize with those thousands who take the 1200-mile trip on el tren del muerte (the train of death) to reach the Mexican-American borders. Many of these are teenagers who just fall off the train and die, many of them pay all their savings and suffer on these long trips to come and work for 5 dollars and hour for the rest of their lives. I've seen many of them in local hospital dead and dying as they were crossing the borders.

I know, and you know, a few people who were deported or asked to leave the US ASAP because their visas have expired. Every month there are at least 500 Jordanians who are denied visas to the US. The same applies for most other 3rd world countries. So why is Mexcio different?

Many Mexicans are truly illegal, but they are not unwanted and there is a big difference between the two. Many people feel like Americans wanted Mexicans to come and do certain jobs but they were not welcomed to live among them, and when the time has come when these jobs are not needed anymore they would ask someone who's been in America for 20 years to turn the other way around and leave the country.

Some people claim that if Americans were paid more, they would have done the jobs that illegal immigrants do. Dhaaaa, pay me a good salary and i'll clean you dog's shit for the rest of my life. The Congress has not raised the minimum wage for 9 years. The Bush administration is working day after another on smashing the middle class. They are reducing taxcuts on the rich and taking money away from health care. Those who are destroying the American economy are the members of the government and Congress, exactly the same people who want to crack down on illegal immigrants.

What I hate about this issue is that illegal immigrants from Mexico are generally treated so much differently than both legal and illegal immigrants from other countries. Millions of people fought and worked hard and paid a lot of money and were not able to return to their home countries to see their families for many years because they were trying to stay perfectly legal in this country. I know students and workers who were deported because their visas have expired. I still have to leave the US for 2 years after I'm done with my six-year specialities because of my visa, although I never broke the law and I speak English and one quarter of my family are American. I believe that illegal immigration harms legal immigration.

It doesn't look like this issue will be resolved soon. It's not easy to deal with 11 million illegal immigrants, especially when there are much more standing behind them. El tren del muerte will keep rolling and Mexicans will find one way or another to come to America.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Three Years of Freedom

Bad news to these children's families... Your child is dead. He was innocent. You're also innocent and nice people, but you're just present in the wrong place (oil-rich country) in the wrong time (filthy people ruling the greatest country), just like the other 100,000 Iraqis who were killed. You're not free anymore to go shopping, to pray, to be a Sunni or Shiite or Chrisitan. You're not free to drive in your car, to walk out or stay home. Doing any of these activites puts your life at risk. You're not free to announce in public that you like this government or hate it, that you love Saddam or hate him, that you love Bush or hate him... any such announcement might cost you your life. You can't visit any Arab country because you'll be accused of being a hypocrite. Everybody hates you. Americans like you, if they have killed you it's only by mistake because they're trying to kill the insurgents, who also want to kill you.

Good news... you're finally free to vote. I'm so happy for you.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Funny Line!

I was reading an important paper in a very prestigious medical journal (The New England Journal of Medicine) about the importance of insulin in very sick patient in the ICU, when I came across this statement...
"Patients discharged alive from the hospital were considered survivors"
it was not a joke!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

عبدالفتاح احمد سعيد مبروك

Abdil Fattah Ahmad Sa'eed Mabrook

I wasn't annoyed by the fact that today they discovered the first case of HUMAN birdflu in Jordan as much as his confidentiality was disrespected.

If his name was declared without his permission, he has the right to sue the Ministry of Health.

Get well soon Abdil Fatta7!