The monthly salary of a starting doctor (intern- Imtiaaz) in a public hospital in Jordan is 47 JDs, about 75 dollars
I worked in Salt, lived in Amman
Do the Math
55 minutes ago
Hareega... (a.k.a Reega Reega Hareega) Not my real name, just the temperature here. Don't listen to the people who say that I have a sense of humor that can freeze the mercury inside a thermometer. For questions, complaints or insults email me at
WOW, That's plenty!! More than double what a Mukallaf in the army gets (JD19 = $27)
So what are you doing with all that extra cash? I suggest making some Wall-Street investments :)
wow, this is really shocking!! if i were you i would not go back to jordan anytime soon!
Fares: I found a Hareega imposter (click me).
You should sue him ..unless it's you
Qwaider... I didn't know what tp do with the extra cash, was too much for me to handle
summmer.... hehe i wont be getting 47 nera anymore !
7aki fadi... shofto , i might a dosclaimer soon , am eli da5al feyyo lol
Maybe the problem is that we have too many damn good doctors! damn...this is pathetic. You're a monadel then!
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal... btemza7!
47 Jds ba3d el darayeb w elmostanqa3at?
Hareega: 47? tab make it a round figure, 50 ya3ni .
And they wonder why people leave Jordan
and how many sandwishat shawerma can 47 jds buy?
college girls who work part time get much much more than that..
ana sho 2olt?
ah GIRLS..nanaananananaaa..
sho ne3malkom..these ar ur preferances and ur rules(men's de3ayat perfume)
human... monadel men ajel el insaniyyeh
wedz... kont emfakerha maz7ah awal eshi bas galbat jadd
ola yes actually it's 50 jds bas akhatho darayeb mosatnaqa3aat
7aki fadi ah it's 50 nera bas khasamo abu 3 lerat taxes :D ka2enha fargat
mala2e6 anyone working in anything gets more than that, bas baseeta bantaqem ba3dain :D
Ewww! Shouldn't you doctors try to do something about that??!!
I work at Ministry of health in Jordan o bdoon 7asad el doctor bebalesh ratbo b 500jd 3'ear el7awafez
i'm a programmer there my total salary 250 Jd after 6 years of hard work :'( 7'aleha belqalb tedba7...
The observer.... yes they should but to be fair everyone who works for the government is screwed so it wouldn't matter that much
Whisper.... I'm so sorry for your situation, I wish it gets better
the problem with doctors is that they spend soooo much time in college and pay a lot for their study so they desrve some money at the end, some doctors make millions but those are the minority
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