Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I think it's funny, at least for guys!


Anonymous said...

Maybe she kept telling him that he should stop complaining like a baby, and that the hay is light. Then, they got into a fight: "If it's that light, you carry it!"
"I will!"

There are two sides to each story ;) it could be her own fault.

Anonymous said...


Biesan said...

how very manly of him!!!! i guess some men dont know any other way of experiencing their manhood unless they abuse women....

Hareega said...

yeah i agree it's humiliating for that woman, ya3ni even the physical things which men should be better than as left for the woman to do!

but it's funny!!!!

Anonymous said...

he probably couldnt do the job, she can do almost anything better than him, so she took matters into her own hands... a true femminist ! All men can do is smoke and that other thing... hareega... u know me , Im a girl , now take a guess... Nihaahhhhaaahhhaaaaahhhaaahhaaa3

Anonymous said...

anonymous.. i'll consider you anonymous since you want it this way !!

Anonymous said...

leish 3amil feeha za3lan... lol u know who I am...

Anonymous said...

and I also know that U DONT treat the ladieS that way.... they are many lol