I'm just hoping that someone will believe me and we can get rid of this woman!!
Hareega... (a.k.a Reega Reega Hareega) Not my real name, just the temperature here. Don't listen to the people who say that I have a sense of humor that can freeze the mercury inside a thermometer. For questions, complaints or insults email me at faristuta@hotmail.com
congratulations, ure the first person to make me laugh since wednesday
lol thats funny , but why do u hate her that much i wish u can give me a good reason so i can convinece the others with my point of view :P
nas i consider that a success :)
dar there are people you hate them for no obvious reason, you hate "all" of them without anything specific
is your name dar wella la ykoon "ragab" o 3'ayyarto?
3anjadd thanks man 3ala bringing some humour 3al jaww. I think you noticed lately keef saar el wade3. Looking for more.
Ba3dein walak sa7ellak! LOL, ya ragab :P
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