Like always, we tend to find excuses not to help. The 11/9 Amman attacks was the worst terrorist attack Jordan has witnessed. Other than demonstrations and raising flags, most of us really did nothing to help our country. Very few people showed up to donate blood despite frequent calls by the Jordanian blood bank. I was disappointed to see that we are still selfish
Some ordinary Jordanians decided to make a difference. They have started a campaign called Rislaitna to raise financial support to the individuals and families most impacted by the 11/9 tragedy. The victims are not only those who died or hav been injured, it's their families too. The families who have to find some sort of financial support and pay the hospital bills for the injured ones.
Individuals and entities abroad can transfer money directly to the advertised bank account number as follows:·
Bank Name: Union Bank·
Branch: Jabal Amman·
Beneficiary: YMCA/Risalitna·
Account Number: 53950·
Good luck, hope to hear good news!
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