If you've lived for a few years in Jordan, you can't completely deny that you've met Abu Musab el Zarqawi, or even had a short conversation with him. Maybe I've met him in Amman or when I went to Zarqa to buy those military boots (basateer) or sat next to him in a "sarvees" or bus.
If I did or if you did , how could we remember ?? I don't remember talking to him or anyone looking like him but after all you can't remember most of the people you had a casual one-time conversation with.
What I'm pointing to is that Zarqawi in some pictures looks just like a regular Jordanian man, same skin color, simple clothes, his beard wasn't that big or non-existant. If you look at Sajeda , the Iraqi terrorist and suicide bomber-to-be, her face is similar to at least 100 nice women I know, starting from the kind-hearted neighbor Omm Rami to some of my mother's friends who treat me as if I'm their son to at least 70-80% of Jordanian women of Sajida's age, not-ugly not-beautiful, head-scarfed, nothing especially attractive in her and nothing especially repulsive other than her thoughts, and she looks older than her real age (35).
There has been a small revolution in the shape of terrorists and now they look like regular people. So , young man, it doesn't matter how "cool" you look, people might still look at you as a suspect, because Zarqawi looked us one day, and even if your mother or grandmother is 70 years old, security at airports might still strip her of her clothes and to look for an explosive belt.
Many things will change, in Jordan and outside.
Ahhh ya Fares! That's the only thing been on my mind lately. Security here is CRAZY these days because these bastards look like everyone. It's disgusting/.
That's the problem Roba, we used to hate it (and I still do) when I'm thought of as a potential terrorist suspect in US airports, but I console myself that "well, foreigners from a certain race attacked them, they gotta look for people from the same race". Now we are all suspects because the terrorists are from our same race -100% of the people, even some Sharkas look like Zarqawi! It's just anyone!
Back to last week events,
Hey guys I am not a Jordanian but trying to worn Jordanians for a fact based on my follow up of the news carefully ,Zargawi and the likes don't make unaffordable mistakes ,specially in Jordan home country of Alzergawi .This suicide bomber survived woman ,I think it was meant for her to stay alive to be caught by the Jordanian authorities for a reason an ulterior reason by her terrorist group leaders !!!! what is this reason I don't know .But differently she was meant to be caught alive ,and serve the purpose she is used for by Alzargawi ,let us probe !!!carrying an aerobic highly contagious (virus)diseases to infect those who are around her interrogating her ? ,a new way of attacking !!!she was meant to report back on her checking the Jordan security readiness ? and maybe she has an accomplis implanted in one way or the other ,please do take this seriously
Even if they look different, any idea how to stop someone willing to die?
I trust our police and all other departments in charge to protect us, but it's pretty valid question for all of us, How can anyone stop someone want to die? Yes, you can stop anyone want to fight and run away then, but I still cannot see how we can stop someone wants to die...
but hey, it's has to be ideological fight not armed one... if you know what i mean..
Holly God! Okay this anonymous scared the shit out of me and actually made me think of further possibilities! I mean like seriously is it possible that the belt of this woman didn't work all of a sudden!? Hmm!! Only God knows!
Anyhow, as I was looking through the pictures of Abu Zift, a crazy moment passed me by and I imagined my photos being distributed in Jordan and in local and international news papers labeled with "There goes the terrorist Um I don’t know what" (probably they'll come up with a scary name hehe) yee :( I hate Abu Zift so much!
kinzi said...
RRHH, because we have Jordanian stamps in our passports, my whole blonde, blue-eyed family always gets taken out of line for further inspection at airports. It is a little irritating when they examined the contents of my daughter's diaper, or pat my boys down on what we have taught them are 'no touch' zones. So, we get to experience a bit the racial profiling ourselves.
kinzi, honestly i don't blame any country which does racial profling in airports, although it does NOT work for many simple reaosns i'll talk about it in a new thread (see how i can keep people checking my blog, you will won't you? :)
anon and Nadine ... What anon said makes sense, this woman is not a simple stupid woman who follows her husband in whatever he does, she is dangerous. But I'm sure our Intelligence are thinking of all possibilities.
JAd... i know what you mean
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