I feel soooo techonolgically challenged, i always ask for help if i needed to fax a paper, they always teach me how to do it but i fail to learn, i just stand helpless in front of any machine including the small calculaters that old men carry in their dakakeen.
The latest technological breakthrough i can reasonably use are Atari and a DVD player. I feel so ignorant when i see 16 and 17-yr old boys sitting and talking so enthusiastically about the newest cell phones and computers and these new iPOD and blue tooth or bluekhara i feel like an idiot,
i haven't bought a lap top yet because everytime i log into a computer i find 50 different laptops on the screen and i don't know what the hell is the difference between all of them, i get a headache and exit... that has been occuring for the past 15 months.
I feel so defeated .... Bill Gates.... I hate you big time
Sing along at the opera
What is bluetooth??!!
Hey!! Very nice blog :0) I just got inside from washing and waxing my truck. It is my baby. Took me 2 hours though. So I settled down into my basement and started doing some web surfing. Anyways I am in the process of grabbing my masters degree and have spent the last 6 months researching newest cellular phones. In the midst of my surfing I landed smack dab in the middle of your blog. I hope you do not think I am intruding but I must say it is great blog. Even though your blog is way off base from newest cellular phones I found myself cruising through your blog archives for the last half hour :0) You have some nice blogging friends. Anyways, I need to get back to my mission. I wrote don�t your url and feel free to visit me here at http://www.cheap-cellularphone.com. I am so busy so I can only update my site monthly. Keep up the great work.
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