Sunday, February 26, 2006

فتح عينك

سمعنا عن قصة رجل سوداني مسكه جاره وشل سلسفيله لانه كان "يتطارح الغرام" مع معزته، و معزة مش اسم الدلع لبنت الجيران مع انه يوجد الكثير من البنات بتدلعو معزة و بطة وغنمة و بهيمة لكنها كانت معزة بنت معزة

لو كان نفس الرجل في دبي ومعه قرشين كان باخذله روسية معه عالشقة وبغلبش حاله مع المعيز، ولو كان في عمان و معه قرشين كان بروح عمحل مساج و بتطلعه وحدة و بتعطيه "من اللي بحبه البك
و لو انه "تبع ولاد" و عايش بالسعودية كان اخذله ولد عجنب و بلش فيه بدون خوف من الحكومة المشغولة بضرب النساء المتخلفات العاهرات اللاتي يكشفن عن كواحلهن و لو بطريق الخطا لما في ذلك من اغراء للرجال الذين ينتظرون رؤية سنتمتر من لحم النساء للانقضاض عليه كالذئاب المتوحشة، ولو كان في اميركا كان بكون فخور بممارسة الجنس مع معزة و صور مغامرته على فيديو و اخذلو شوية فلوس بتعيشه ملك في السودان

ردة الفعل الاولية لدي كانت الله يقطعه ما اقلعطه، لكن اذا فكرت فيها شوي بتلاقي انه ما حدا انضر من الشغلة، باسثناء ربما المعزة التي من الصعب استنباط رايها في الموضوع

الرجل لم يمارس الجنس مع ولد او بنت صغيرة ودمر نفسيتهم و جعلهم يتفادون الزواج الى الابد، ولم يدفع الاموال لعاهرات من دول شقيقة و حبيبة لتشجيع تجارة الدعارة ، ولم يتعرص مع سبعمئة مليون اميركية مثل اخوانا العرب انكلودنغ الاردنية ثم يرجع الى الاردن ليرفع العصا على اخته لانه لقطها بتحكي مع شب او بحكي عن جارته قحبه لانها بتدخن بالشارع، و اذا اجاه قرشين حلال لم يركض ليتزوج بنت ما زالت شنطة مدرستها على كتافها بدل ما يشكر المسكينة التي تحملت العيشة المقرفة والضرب والبهدلة قدام ولادها وولاد الجيران وولاد اللي بسوا وما بسوا

باختصار الاخ السوداني عنده شرف اكثر من ملايين العرب اللي مش عاجبهم انو سلخ معزة، ولو اني قاعد في بيتي راح اخاف اجيب عربي من هال الاشكال المذكورة اعلاه لاني بعرفش شو ممكن يحكي عن امي او اختي حتى لو كنت مغطيهم من فوق لتحت لكن بالنسبة لاخي السوداني فالف اهلا وسهلا به و بدل المعزة بجبله معزتين و غنمة و قرد لانه ما خرب بيوت وما دمر حياة اطفال و عائلات و ما شجع النفاق والكذب بين الناس وماجعل قيمة العلاقة الزوجية في الحضيض
فتح عينك و اعرف مين هو القذر والوسخ و قليل الحيا و المنحط وستعرف انه ليس السوداني

Friday, February 24, 2006

Today in the clinic

I came early to work (5.30 am) so I can see all my patient in the hospital, because I gotta drive early to my clinic.

When I was done, I drove for half an hour to the clinic, and was surprised that I only had one patient. I waited and waited for him and he didn't show up.

Then the nurse came by, telling me that he had just called and said he wasn't coming.

I aksed her why......

She answered smiling .... "He said he was sick"

When I say that doctors are sometimes being treated like shit not too many people believe me!

Friday, February 17, 2006

When sorry seems to be the hardest word

Someone, somehow, was able to take these photos of prisoners in Abu Gharib despite all the restrictions that the coalition forces have on journalists.

I wonder what other violations of human rights and humanity are taking place inside and outside prisons that nobody knows about.

During the previous Abu Gharib scandal, some US officials apologized and claimed responsibility for these offences. However to these criminals the only way to take responsibility is to say those magic words "I am responsible".

I hope that the American people recognize that America is part of this planet and the opinion of the rest of the world does matter. With such these violation the entire world would become so upset and this is not good for anyone.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Goodbye Ameen Malhas

تم مساء امس رمي احتفال وداعي لامين ملحس الذي قرر هجرة اريزونا الى غير رجعة عائدا الى الاردن بعد خمسة اعوام و نيف
قضاها في ربوع اريزونا، عروس الجنوب وثغر امريكا الباسم
وجرى الاحتفال في احدى الخمارات المحترمة في مدينة طوصون وسط حضور لفيف من الاصدقاء الذين عبروا عن حزنهم لمغادرة امين وقاموا باحتساء عدة غلنات من المشروبات الغازية الخفيفة جدا بهذه المناسبة

وبسبب تخلفي التكنولوجي لم استطع التقاط الصور ولو التقتطها لم اكن لاعرف كيف ادونلدها على البلوغ
نتمنى لامين رحلة موفقة ااند يو ويل بي ميسد

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Manipulation of Muslims

The reaction of the Muslim World to the cartoons came as a shock to me.

Prophet Muhammad has been insulted in cartoons, and the damage has been done, however more than 99% of Muslims did not see the cartoons and refuse to see them but want all actions to be taken against those who published them.

After the Danish cartoons were published, many newspapers across Europe, America and New Zealand published the cartoons and other similar ones. The offical university daily newspaper here in Tucson published a cartoon showing Prophet Muhammad in a disrespectful manner. The danish newspaper apologized, however Denmark is the only country that Muslims want to boycot. Why?

Why not France?
Why not Spain?
Why not America again?

If people were to follow the same principals, more than 15 countries should be on the list now.
Why aren't Muslims boycotting these countries? Why Denmark and not other countries?

Since 9/11, Islam and the image of Islam and Prophet Muhammad have been insulted hundreds if not thousands of times. I have seen and heard a lot jokes about the Prophet in many aspects that I wouldn't even mention here because of their offensive nature. Just the least of examples is a complete episode of South Park where the Prophet was shaped as a cartoon and i assumed that would truly offensive, yet I have not seen any action from any Muslim community.

Do Muslims living away from the West really think that those cartoons are the worst offence of the first one aginst Islam? Have they been so much isolated from the West or are they being manipulated by some people who give them the green light when to protest and when not to.

Aren't many journalist drawing more cartoons and using more offensive language these days as a reaction to the what happened in the Muslim world? How do you expect them to stop? Will Muslims keep boycotting countries all over the world till the end of this world?

Many people claim that the campaign was a victory. The victory they see is not having cartoonists publishing offensive cartoons of the Prophet. Now here you can step back for a while and remember that in case that happened, they won't be insulting the Prophet because of threats to their economy and safety of their embassies, but not out of their respect to Islam or the Prophet. If you call this a victory you got a problem.

Besides, don't forget God. God for Muslims and all believers is more important than the Prophet but he was and will always be insulted day and night. Truth hurts.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Warning: Indian Bomb about to explode

After a heavy mansaf meal last night with Malhas which almost killed me, I woke up this morning (afternoon) and I decided for a reason i can't remember to have Indian food 3al reeg.

I went to India Oven a restaurant and had 3 big dishes of Indian food. I didn't recognize anything of what i ate but there were colors like gold and violet, pieces of meat of some unkown animals and a lot a lot of things floating on my plate, kullo 3al reeg.

Now i can see 5 keyboards in front of me instead of 1 and i am typing three times slower than my usual speed. My stomach is suffering and I'm sitting in the library with an enormous urge to fart. If I fart, I'm sure some people will be seriously hurt and we'll have a lot casualities among everyone who is on a circle with a radius of 5 miles from me. The mansaf last night made the situation worse and now with this indian oven I can be officially considered a weapon of mass destruction.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Worse than an own goal

Take a look at these pictures above and below

The player in tears is Gabriel Batistuta, the famous Argentine star, and his team mates are consoling him. He hasn't just scored an own goal or missed a penalty... he is crying for a different reason.

Batistuta played for Fiorentina (violet shirt above) for 8 years. During these years his team Fiorentina was relegated to the second division, and just like all world calss players do, it was expected that he would leave Fiorentina to keep playing in the first division. However he was very faithful to his team that he kept playing with them depsite that they were in the second division. He made them stand on their feet and they played well and again went back to the first division. Batistuta became the star of Fiorentina and the whole city of Florence glorified him and made him a statue in the ancient city.

Eventually he accepted a 33-million dollar offer to play for AS Roma (in red shirts below) so he left Fiorentina. The time came when both teams played against each other. The score was 0-0 and just before the end of the match Batistuta sent a magnificent shot from outside the penalty box shaking Toldo's net and scored the game's only goal giving Roma the victory. The reaction of Batistuta scoring against his old team is just like what you see in the picture below. A picture's worth a thousand words.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

يوم ترجل الفارس الى الابد

يوم ترجل كان يوما تيتم فيه الملايين وبكوا رجلا قال منذ البداية " ان حياتي ملك لشعبي" ولم يخلف الوعد لنصف قرن

به اصبحت الصحراء جنة والخرابة قلعة و اصبح الانتماء للاردن نيشانا نعلقه بفخر امام العالم
و يبقى الاردن اردن الحسين، وكل الثقة بابو حسين

Sunday, February 05, 2006

لماذا فيروز؟؟

عندما تغني فيروز، فانها تجعلك تشعر ان شادي هو ابن حارتك انت، و عندما تغني للقدس تشعر انك تتمشى معها هناك حتى لو كنت تسمعها وانت في اميركا. عندما تغني شتي يا دنيا تحس بالمطر ينهال فوق راسك حتى لو كنت جالسا في قيظ الصحراء

فيروز تزبد شوقك لزيارة ضيعة حملاية و ضيعة تنورين عساك تلتقي بعليا هناك، وعندما تذكر السور الذي كانت تلتقي عنده كل عشية مع حبيبها تحس انها تغني لسورك انت الذي انصهرت عليه ذكريات الطفولة تحت ضغط الايام

عندما تغني فيروز فانها تدخل دون استئذان داخل حياتك وتغير الوقت على ساعتك المنهكة وتنتتقل بك من عالمك المزعج الى عالم اخر، وتذكرك باشخاص نسيتهم من زمن بعيد واحداث دامت لحظات معدودة لكنها عاشت دهرا في ذاكرتك

فيروز...... حبيناها في الصيف و في الشتي، وكتبنا اسمها على الحور العتيق الذي لا يمحيه المطر. فيروز اصبحت جزءا من قهوة الصباح و انين الناي ورنة العود وقبلة المحبوب و حرقة المظلوم ودمعة المغترب، وحنين الام لطفلها والمشرد لوطنه والعجوز لطفولته

فيروز..... عبقري من سماك فيروز

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Take my breath away

"Dear Doctor, this is a life-saver and I give it to you because you save lives"... Edward

I was reading this short note on a sticker of a life-saver mint that a sick patient gave to me and other members of the team. Edward had a terminal disease in his lungs from smoking and came to the hospital having an infection, then he suddenly became very short of breath and we watched him take his last breaths, gasp for air with his face turning blue and his hands and legs shaking until he gradually stopped breathing completely and was gone. That was the first time I see someone actively dying in front of me without being able to do anything. We had all the equipment and medication which could have brought him back to breathing, at least temporarily, but we didn't interfere because Edward had asked us a few hours before that, when he was more alert and healthy, that in the case his heart and lungs stopped working to let nature take its course and not intervene to bring him back to life.

A lot of patients take these decisions, and sometimes doctors encourage them especially in terminally-ill patients who will only suffer longer if they're placed on a breathing machine. Other patients are totally healthy but are too old and they feel they had a good life and if their heart stopped they don't want anything done for it. Whatever the case is, people who make these critical decisions about their living wishes make these decisions when they are alert and conscious, and when most of them have not known what death or dying is like.

I'm wondering if Edward, while fighting death during the last seconds of his life, would have changed his mind or whether or not he have regretted his decisions and that is something we can never know. However it also wouldn't make sense to keep him on a breathing machine all his life if he is unable to wake up and breathe on his own: he would be basically turned into a "vegetable".

What confuses me, is that some people who are very healthy and have never experienced what death is like make a choice about their end of life and ethically and legally we have to follow their choices, but on the other hand whenever a dying or suffering person asks to end up his/her life that would be considered a murder. We are allowed to let people die although this can be stopped, but we are not allowed to help them die. Those technicalities can either make you a compassionate doctor or a serial killer.