As much as I appreciate all the efforts of Isam Bayazidi and a few other bloggers in establishing and taking care of Jordan Planet, it seems the quality of the front page is detoriorating, in my humble opinion at least.
First, it was the omitting all the pictures from the front page. It made the planet less colorful and less exciting to read.
We used to have a section for Highlights of the week, I actually was not sure what it was for but it seems that the most popular threads discussed in the blogs were placed there.
Now one cannot view the blogs participating in Jordan Planet. I'm not sure if this is a technical error or a decision taken by the administration, but I'm pretty sure if it was the latter that it won't be popular among any bloggers.
JP is not only for bloggers to read, it's for all Jordanians, and the front page does not seem appealing at all. It looks just like a "copy and paste" from some Jordanian blogs. I hope something will be done to make it look better.
I hope my criticism will be seen as a constructive one.
1 hour ago
You are no# 4 on my blogroll, no#1 is on the JP roll, #2,#3 and the rest aren't... and guess what? I can't find neither yours nor #1's posts anymore on the planet:)
what a nice coincedence...
Add to that that since mid-June more than 60 blog addition requests were made, and none was handled. Sho had! ba6alt al3ab...
I agree with all your points above, and my answer will be "wait and see, walla '3air nwarjeekom" :)
hiii faris
i actually talked to issam the other day and he promised to put the boggers names back on the right list... and i was happy when i saw it today...
i like ur articles.. keep up the good work
I don't see posts anymore..
I can't see my posts on Jordan planet. I wrote one on weddesday and It's still not there :( I'm unhappy.
I can't see my posts on Jordan planet. I wrote one on wednesday and it's still not there :( I'm unhappy.
Lubna... ah fee eshi ghlat
Isam... I appreciate your reply, shokran 3ala se3at sadrak wa na7no 3ala el maw3ed ma3 el dawrah el baramijiyyeh el jadeedeh la kawkab el ordoni
mais, thanx a lot
moey and reem, sheklo el sefver vayyaz
Do you have copy writer for so good articles? If so please give me contacts, because this really rocks! :)
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