I believe in human rights...
You have the right to education, health care, and the right to vote.
I will add another right: the right to exist.
This is a right you're given retrospectively, meaning I believe that you had the right to exist after you've already existed.
However if you're over 12 and you're someone who sends e-mails/letters/funwall posts thinking that you'll be rewarded or punished based on forwarding these messages, you're someone who should not have existed.
If it was to me, I would have denied your right to exist.
Have a great holiday
57 minutes ago
I feel that you are referring to the same thing I had in mind a couple of days ago! My fun wall was spammed with stupid things that I deleted all of them! In one of them it said that facebook need to know which members are active and which are not. So in two weeks if u don't forward this ur account will be terminated. How smart. And it make it worst, many would forward these stupid posts including some others where the post says if u do not forward it one of your best buddies will die???!! Omg! How ignorant are these people.
lol! I so agree Hareega. It started with emails now its all over, ridiculous. Absar shu cancer wo absar shu blood marry wo ur aunt's body will start to degenerate, ana 3arfeh.
Kul 3am ou inteh bu kheir Faris! Merry Christmas!
Merry christmas and happy new year to you, and all your readers.
supreme ki.... i don't know man, when i started using email years ago i started forwarding messages but after a few monhts i guess i realzied how stupid that wss. PEOPLE STILL DO NOT UNDERSTAND THAT!
Batoul... ana 3aref, gaal a disaster will happen if you don't send this nepalese good-luck email to fifty million people in the next ten seconds.
Ziad D and MAsalha... thanks a lot for your wishes, hope you'll have a great year!
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