I was at the bank, talking to the accountant who knows me for more than 2 years.
Her name is Rani (a female name in India)
As she was checking my account she asked ,"Do do you have a green card now"
I replied ,"No, won't get it for a few years, probably never"
Rani , "Oh, so you'll never become a citizen?"
I said , "Don't think so."
Rani, "Does Israel allow dual citizinships?"
I was a bit surprised by the question.
"I don't know" I replied.
Rani after a pause..... "so how's your family doing in Israel?"
I said, "I'm actually from Jordan"
Rani, "Oh really, I always thought you were from Israel"
Two years ago ago in Miami, I was chatting with 2 young people in the street.
The girl asked ,"You have an accent , where are you from?"
"Is that Israel?"
She kept staring at me looking for more than a one-word answer.
I said, "It's close to Israel, very close"
"So it's Israel, it's almost Israel" and she started screaming in joy
"Jordan is actually a totally different country"
"But it's too close to Israel, it's almost Israel, it's where Jesus lived" and she started jumping.
She was very excited as if she has won the lottery, and I didn't want to spoil it, so I smiled and left, and she kept jumping in joy.
Last Christmas I received an email from a co-worker asking me to switch shifts.
He mentioned "I assumed that you don't celebrate Christmas so is it Ok if you do my shift on Christmas Eve?"
I replied ,"Actually I'm Chrisitan and I do celebrate Christmas, sorry!"
He called me saying, " are you kidding me? Jews don't celebrate Christmas"
And Probably all Jordanians in America had this situation at least once...
"Where are you from"
"Oh, your accent doesn't tell that"
I spent a few seconds thinking of what the accent of a Jordanian in America should sound like
then he added ,"my cousin lives in Augusta"
I kept trying to find the missing link, the connection between all of that, until he added, "Where from Georgia are you?
"Oh, I meant Jordan, I'm from Jordan"
"Ohhhhhh Jordan, cool, is that in Michigan?"
Neigbor talking to me ,"dude are you Mexican?"
"No, Jordanian"
"Umm, where is that?"
"The Middle East"
"Mid-East.... so is that Pennsylvania?"
I have to amdit that when I was in the Us before 9/11 very few Americans knew anything about Jordan, but now the majority of them knows that Jordan is at least a country, but you'll always have a few funny encounters from time to time.
4 hours ago