يبدو أن الناس بشكل عام تتفادى الخوض في موضوع أردني فلسطيني رغم أنها تتعرض لمواقف محزنة و مغيظة تجعلها تشعر بالقرف والتفرقة و تزيد من نار العنصرية التي بصراحة أراها تتحسن
أحياناُ أحب أن أتوهم أن العنصرية في تلاشي وأنه مع مرور جيل أو جيلين سوف تختفي، لكن من الواضح أن هناك الكثير من الحقد الدفين والكراهية التي تصل إلى حد التعصب الاعمى وأتذكر أني لما خضت بموضوع أيلول الاسود سمعت الكثيرين ، غالبا عن رغبة في تفادي فتح صفحات تاريخنا الاسود، سمعتهم يطلبون مني السكوت ونسيان الماضي وكأن ما حصل لا صلة له بنا
يجب أن نكون واقعيين و منطقببن بعض الشيء عند مناقشة الامور. فمجرد كونك أردنيا من أصل أردني لا يعطيك أي أفضلية على أي أردني من أصل فلسطيني. أنتو الجوز عايشين بالاردن وعليكم حقوق وواجبات مثل بعض
.الفلسطيني كثيرا ما يعامل كمواطن من الدرجة العاشرة واللي مش مصدق ينزله عمخفر شرطة أو دائرة جوازات وراح يكتشف أن اسم العائلة كثيراُ ما يكون اهم من الشكوى المقدمة او المخالفة المرتكبة
لو تم إجراء دراسة موضوعية لاكتشفنا ان الفلسطيني عرضة اكثر لاكل الكفوف في المخافر والشلاليط في الزنازن ومخالفات السير التي بلا طعم ، ولا أعتقد أن أي أردني من أصل فلسطيني لم يتعرض للموقف المعتاد الذي يتم فيه إشعاره بأنه ضيف ثقيل الدم غير مرغوب وكأنه هو السبب فيما يواجهه الاردن من مشاكل، يعني باختصار حتى الفلسطيني المولود في الأردن والذي يعتبر نفسه ابن البلد ولا يعرف وطنا كما يعرف الاردن بيجي واحد بسأله من وين الأخ ويس يقله يافا و لا نابلس بصير يتطلع عليه وكأنه من كوكب آخر وليس كأنه مواطن مثله مثلك ونحنا كلا معروفين أنه راسمالها موقف واحد سمج مثل هيك يكفي لايقاد مشاعر العنصرية والتفرقة التي مرت و أخالها ستمر عبر عدة أجيال لاحقة
الأردن مرت عليه حضارات قديمة جداً لكنه لم يتأسس بالشكل الذي هو عليه الآن إلا عام ستة وأربعين أو قبل ذلك بقليل. نعم الأردنيون أصلهم عشائري والعشائر يعود تاريخها لمئات بل آلاف السنين لكن الأردن اليوم هو وطن وليس مجرد تجمع للعشائر ومنذ بداية تاريخ هذا الوطن بدأ الفلسطنيون يهاجرون إليه رغما عنهم بعد حلول المصيبة تلو الاخرى وهكذا أصبح الاردن مزيج بين شعبين أصلهم واحد فرقت بينهم حدود رسمت على ورق
وللأسف نرى بعض المواطنين الكثير منهم شباب موبؤون بالعنصرية فنرى بعض الأردنيين يخونون الفلسطيني إذا ما اشتكى من الحكومة أو البطالة أو رفع الاسعار والاقساط وكأننا واجبنا الوطني هو دعم الحكومة بغض النظر عما تفعله، وإذا ما اشتكى الفلسطيني من أي شيء في البلد فقد أصبح هو عنصرياُ حاقداً غيوراً ... وبعد كل ذلك نتوقع من الفلسطيني أن يشعر بأقصى درجات الوطنية... وهاذي شوي صعبة خاصة بعد أن هُتف لشارون في عَمان كما لم يهتف له في تل أبيب و شُتم محمد الدرة بعد جنازته بأيام وحتى العائلة المالكة التي لا يسترجي أحد بالتخنفس عنها أعطى بعض الأردنيين الحق لأنفسهم بالتعرض لجلالة الملكة فقط بسبب أصلها رغم أن تمثل الأردن بصورة متميزة في العالم
و ما يدعو للأسف أيضا رؤية البعض من الأردنيين من أصل فلسطيني ممن لجؤوا إلى الأردن او ولدوا فيه يرفضون اي صلة تربطهم بالاردن وكانهم يشعرون بالإهانة إذا ما نوديوا بالاردنيين وإذا ما خرجوا خارج الوطن ينتهزون أية فرصة للطعن في الأردن كدولة وشعب وكيان لكنهم في الوقت ذاته يطالبون بأن يُعاملوا كأردنيين داخل الأردن. ولا يبخل البعض في اتهام الأردن كلها ببيع القضية وإعطاء فلسطين هدية لليهود ناسين الدم الأردني والمسيرات والاعتقالات واساور الذهب التي يجب ان يفتخر بها أي أردني بأنها ذهبت فداء لفلسطين، أو أنه يصعب لأي فلسطيني أن يجد وطنا عربيا يعامله كمواطن كالاردن او يشعر فيه بأنه ابن البلد كالأردن
عيش و خلي الناس تعيش والأردني الصحيح ليس من يبح صوته في الصراخ الأردن أولاً أو يتباهى بابتلاع أكبر لقمة منسف في التاريخ بل من ضحى من أجل الأردن وعلم أولاده أن الأردن أهم من اسم العشيرة أو رصيد البنك وأن الفرق بين الأردن وفلسطين لا يزيد عن نجمة سباعية على العلم ظلمناها كثيرا واتهمناها بتهم مزيفة لا أساس لها من الصحة
ايوا, يعني مشان هيك لما تطلع فيزا من البنك العربي بسألك بدك صوره قبه الصخره او السوسنه السوداء على البطاقه ؟
The above comment is sooo irrelevant to the topic.
I get asked which logo I want on my credit cards everywhere. The Dome of the rock is an ISLAMIC, Historic and symbolic icon more than a representation of a dirty palestinian or a stinking jordanian. I am one of those two by the way.
I'd honestly execute everyone who does these things anywhere until everyone starts understanding: it's about you, not where you come from.
Heck!! Look at the writer of this post, he is in America, and I am sure he is treated there better than he is treated in Jordan regardless of his origin.
Finally, I don't believe in the presence of differences between the two countries AT ALL. The only difference is in the mentality of people coming from cities, villages and deserts across both sides.
صحيح, مشان هيك انا لازم ارجع بطاقه الستاندرد شارتد و اقولهم انتو ما سألتوني شو الصوره الي بدك ياها و ارجع بطاقه الاردني الكويتي عشانهم ما سالوني كمان
يا معلم, اول شي مش من الاعتيادي تنسئل عن الصوره, ثانيا البنك الوحيد الي بسال هو العربي ثالثا لو فرضا الموضوع بحسن نيه, لويش نزيد علموز سكر؟
على فكره الموضوع مش البنك العربي و لا غيره, الموضوع انو العنصريه عندينا عمليه منظمه مش عشوائيه
كبير يا حريقة ... كلام جميل على الله الناس يفهموا ... انا عشت في الاردن 6 سنيين و وجربت كتير في المخابرات لتجديد الاقامة و في المطار و على الجسر ... لدرجة انه مرة كتبولي على ورقة الدخول
الجنسية: غزاوي و شب صاحبي تاني كتبوله الجنسية : غير محدد !!! للاسف الحكومة قبل الشعب بتشجع على العنصرية و التفرقة حتى لو انتا مش اردني فلسطيني لو انك فلسطيني جاي من فلسطين .. ايا اشي فلسطيني بكهرب الجو على السريع... بس الامر ما بيخلا .. الراجل اللي كنت مستأجر عنده مع اصحابي في اربد كان اردني اردني اردني عشائري درجة اولى و لكنه و الله كان يتعامل معنا كانه ولاده و احسن من معاملة الوف الاردنيين الفلسطينيين في عمان و غيرها ... المشكلة انو الناس مش قادرين يستوعبوا انه الشعبين اختلطوا في بعض بطريقة تجعل التفرقة بينهم اشي غير منطقي ... بس على الرغم من هيك انا بفضل انه الاردني اللي اصله فلسطيني انه يعتز بجنسيته الاردنية بس ما ينسى اصلو من وين اجا .. يعني يعرف انه جده من يافا او نابلس و انه يضله يشعر انه الو حق مسلوب.. مش ينسى و يقول انا اردني و ما بعرفش اشي عن فلسطين و مليش دخل ..
I find it most frustrating that we complain a lot about Westerners, etc mistreating us and giving us the 3rd class treatment all the time, and yet, we turn around and do the same thing amongst ourselves. Discrimination is enough of a crime, but it hurts a thousand times more to be discriminated against by your own people as apposed to foreigners.
I am Jordanian of Palestinian origin, yet I have lived abroad for most of my life. Perhaps that has given me different experiences as thankfully, I haven't been subjected to any "different" treatment, for better or for worse.
It angers me to hear people complain about Jordan, because I count myself to be lucky that it is where my grandparents chose to relocate. You should never bite the hand that feeds you, and Jordan has done a better job at accomodating Palestinians than other surrounding countries.
On the other hand, just because they did a better job does not mean it is anywhere near perfect. Discrimination still exists as you clearly pointed out. But why? Why should citizens who are atleast third generation Jordanians, who do not differ in love or loyalty towards Jordan than any other Jordanian be mistreated? That is the question.
Until we learn to embrace each other and our differences, we will remain stuck in this void that is keeping us from moving forward.
Avery.. I like the point raised about living in America because most Arabs here have no problem working with Jews, Indians, Asians, African Americans or any other race or befriending them even marrying someone from another race sometimes but when it comes to Arab-Arab relationship things get heated!
I wouldn't say that I wasn't treated well in Jordan I'm very grateful to my country but I think racism is a main problem there and it is getting worse when it should not. The older generation which lived the '50s- to the '70s who experienced the wars and black september got over that issue but the newer generation is obviously not.
أنونيموس... شكراً على المشاركة واتفق معك أن ظلم ذوي القربة أشد مرارة على المرء من وقع الحسام المهند
anonymous (number 1 )
يستطيع أي مواطن ان يجلس ويروي ويكتب عن مواقف تعرض لها هو او اشخاص يعرفهم تم التمييز ضدهم لكن واجبنا أن نرفض أن نمارس أي نوع من التمييز أنفسنا
سامي شكراً على التعليق للاسف في فئات من كل الاطراف ترفض فكرة ان التمييز أمر غير طبيعي وغير منطقي وللاسف كثيرا ما تنجح في ذلك
3am tonfokh be 2erba ma2to3a
dears, this topic has been endlessly discussed for years and years. but i haven't seen anyone do anything more about it.
it starts with one simple step, if they ask you where you're from say "Amman" "or whichever Jordanian town WE -not our parents- come from" because the majority of us are born here...this is the only hometown we know regardless of where our parents come from.
i am not suggesting that this solves all the problems of those who come from Palestinian origins with governmental authorities and such but it's a step that will bloom in years towards a more tolerant youth.
and by the way, i come from Salti origins and i am a very proud Christian but i have Qobbet Al Sakhra on my Arab bank visa :P so shall i feel discriminated against? that's absurd.
it's nice to open clesed files while we want to open new minds.
I have some comments in that: why we don't heard anyone says that he is from Amman, even oreginal jordanian ,and born and rais in Amman, why when we leave Jordan Palistanian say that they are Palestenian holding Jordanian Passport. what jordan and Amman did for those people to deny it.
see am not gonna start a debate about jordanians and palestenian or comment on other readers comments.
first of all am a palestenian that doesnt have a jordanian nationality but a temporary jordanian passport(GAZA ppl) and from my position I salute u hareega for ur boldness in stating some facts on both sides.
now second thing regarding jordanians either from both origins both have the good ,bad and the ugly.So we cant say we palestinians r perfectly good neither jordanians are.
now regarding the injustice yes sometimes the palestinain feels he is class 10 jordanian and maybe i say maybe this is why they say am jordanian from palestenian origin. and that is not due to racist stuff actually the issue in jordan eno el mojtama3 3asha2eree yes it is still like that so racisim inside that society is gonna be big simply becoz ur alliance is not to ur country its actually more to ur tribe. Now the palestenians emulated this stuff by saying we r palestinians like el sal6eyeen lama ye7koo ana sal6ee wela el 3ajloonee ana 3ajloonee wela el 6afeelee ana 6afeelee ma 3morna sme3na 7ada be kol el ordon be7kee ana 3ammanee sa7?
so usually palestinians or jordanians from palestenian origins says ana fals6eenee got the idea it is not a result of he has no nationallity or love to jordan but when the society is built on tribal bases u tend as human nature to find a tribe to belong to and in this case for palestenians it is ana falas6eenee
plus there is other point I feel some of us do. they like to say that becoz once u said u r palestenian u got somehow ppl sympathy and admiration so lets say its kind of cool stuff that magnets ppl who likes to know about palestine more.
now regarding jordanians from jordanian origin I think they r very kind and good ppl but their tribal stuff is causing all that kind of friction and some of them I consider more palestenians than palestenians themselves in supporting the palestine cause.
now regarding some slogans from football supporters i have to say that football supporters in jordan the majority of them are the lowest u can ever dream of seeing and that includes every one palestinians and jordanians plus there is some stuff by police ,JFA and media sparked this issue i think the initial spark was in 1993 or something like that.
now as from us palestinians in jordan we feel sometimes no body recognize our good work towards the country ya3nee there is some creative ppl from palestinian origin with the exeption of 7ajaj I couldnt find media took care of them.
the final thing some of us have been raised that all this is temmporary and one day we r goin back to palestine I repeat some of us so sometimes they feel not related to jordan and begins to be very racist.
once again thx hareega for this subject its kind of a strong approch:)
It is a bad, but I hardly find Jordanians from a Jordanian origin in Jordan! lol (just kidding)
I see that this issue of racism are getting better with time. Our current generation is much more tolerant to this matter than our parents. I guess with a generation or two this would just fade away.
Yes sure there are still many ignorant and racist people, but it isn't as bad as it used to be 20 years ago.
I had this debate before, but as trans jordanians we have to realize that jordanians from the west of the river had the greatest effect in building modern jordan, and yes I will generalize that palastenians are more hardworking people than us trans jordanians, and we have to admit that without the work power they added to jordan we wouldn't be where we are now or where we will be in the future.
For me as a transjordanian I would care less if the prime minister is originzally from MARS as long as he sreves his country. We as jordanians think that we love ur country more than anyone else, and I used to be like that but I came to realize that this love-hate relationship is nothing but a way to keep us devided, we as jordanians think that if palastenians took control they will kill us like the 70s but infact this will not happen simply because the demographics has changed, families are more connected, for example my sister is married to a great guy from nablis and my brother is married to a great woman from somewhere in palastine:)
The community now is more complex than ever, you can look at the iraqis and thier effect, maybe thay caused inflation, but you know what they caused? They led us jordanians from different origins to become more close, zay ma begool el mathal"Ana o a7'ooy 3la ibn 3ammi o ana o ibn 3ammi 3la el 3'areeb", maybe you will argue that this is tribal mentality but this is how we are as arabs..For me when when I go overseas I would rather be socilizing with a palastenian than any other nationality on the planet simply because we are close..
About the arab bank issue, guys get over it, the arab bank credit card will be having hariri pictures from now on, don't be surprized if you saw his picture also on jordanian money:P
انت شوف الفيصلي و الوحدات
يا زلمة الطرفين بدهم تكسير راس
قال اذا الوحدات بلعب مع نيجيريا بيشجعوا نيجيريا
و اذا الفيصلي بيلعب مع كولولمبور بيشجعوها(صعبة اكتبها مرتين)
مرة وحدة بعرفها قاعدة جنب ست كبيرة بصالون شعر بتسألها انت من بيت مين هديك فلسطينية متزوجة اردني و دايما بتستعمل اسم زوجها فقالت لها للست الاسم
الست نوّر وجهها و الله و هلا و الله و احسن ناس بعدين من حكي لحكي وصلوا لنقطة انه ليش هدا مش اسم عيلتك؟
لما الولية قالت لها اسم عيلتها الست برمت بوزها و قالت: اه و السبع تنعام.كل الناس خير و بركة
و بطلت تحكي معها
لازمنا كلنا دروس
كيف نحب بعض
كيف ما نسأل انت من وين و فلان من وين
يعني بعد قريب الستين سنه
بعد ما اختلطت العائلات وولادهم صاروا جدود لسة بقولو اردني و فلسطيني
ايمتى بدنا نكون شعب واحد؟
مش عارف, بس اظن انو الي مخلي المشكله تضل موجوده هو اختلاف الكثير من المصالح او اختلاف الاولويات
انا مش حابب اعطي امثله كثير عشان ما تقولو هذا بكره العنصريه و الفلسطينيه لول
بس الفكره, انا زلمه بحب العمل التطوعي و بالنسبه الي و لاولوياتي و مصالحي بفضل انخرط مع جمعيه او الي هو بتخدم الجنوب او الشمال و مش المخيمات
مش من باب الكراهيه, لا من باب انو انا هيك مرتب اولوياتي
هذا طبعا مثال و طبعا الموضوع ببداء من كثير جذور, يعني انا ممكن ما يهمني ابدا ادخل بنقاش اذا عباس و لا هنيه احسن بس بهمني اي تغير بحكومتنا و العكس صحيح لكثير من الناس
انا ما اظن في كراهيه, بس في جهل و اختلاف في المصالح و ترتيب الاولويات بينا و هذا بجعلنا مختلفين الوحهات
فالاردني من اصل اردني بفترض انو على الاردني من اصل فلسطيني ( لول حاسس حالي بقارن بين التايواني و الصيني! مكلهم عنيهم زي بعض) انو لا بد يشاركه في همومه الاردنيه بالذات انو بعيش معو بنفس الناخ
و الي من اصل فلسطيني بفترض انو على الي من اصل اردني لازم يشاركه نفس التوجهات و الاهتمامات في القضيه الفلسطينيه
و هو لب الموضوع, انو من هوب ببلش الخلاف صغير و بكبر مع نيدو
بالنسبه للاخوان الي علقوا على الجنسيه الغزاويه, يعني بصراحه ما اظن الاردن بمواردوا قادر يعطي جنسيه لكل البشريه, اظن الموضوع صعب شويه
بعدين في فئات اذا اخذت جنسيه بتخسر حقوق الها, و هيا غالبا من النوع الي ما بفرط بحقوق الو فالموضوع اكثر من عادي
The thing that I hate most is when Jordanians ( from Jordan) try to criticise themselves soleley for the purpose of being accepted by the OTHERS ... just to be politically correct .. whatever .. or the Christians for that matter .,.. for example ,, why does Faten ( who is a Christian) has the dome of the rock on her visa and not Kineset El Kiyameh ??????? Is not this pure discrimination ? They do not even offer you this option !!! And it is not wrong or a crime to talk as Jordanians about discrimination that we suffer because we are Jordanians for God's sake .. because of the IMPOSED tolerance on the Jordanians and Christians , you hardely recognize us any more ,, we are forced to melt in the pot that has all the other characteristics of all the other people in this pot except for the original people of this poor country ( the Christian Jordanians) .. I am so dissappointed every time I read comments about ( trans Jordanians who are lazy and without the Palestinians would have been living in Tents until now and not knowing the Mloukhieh)!!! or comments about Chritains being PROUD of putting symbols of other relihions because they will simply be discriminated against otherwise ... When will we stop this process ,, when ????? Haram 3aliekom.,, have some dignity and some pride ,, and Hareega ,, you are the biggest dissappointment .. you are too coward to say you are proud of who you are and of what you are ,, why ? so that you will saty as a popular blogger ???????? ya khsara !
بالبداية أنا بكره الحكي بهيك مواضيع وبالمناسبة أنا أردني وكل أصحابي من أصل فلسطيني وأنا أعتز بهاد الشي .. والشي المهم انه الكل بوخد حقوقه كاملة .. وبحب أحكيلك انه الفلسطينية نسبتهم في الاردن مجنسين 73% يعني يكون بعلمك .. برضه اللي بسمع بفكرنا عاملين عليهم سور وحاطينهم فيه .. برضه يا عزيزي أغلب الفلسطينية كانوا عايشين برا وبالخليج ... يعني مرتاحين مالياً .. وبدرسوا وبشتغلوا برا بكل أريحية .. بينما ألاردن ما بعيش فيها اللي بس معه فلوس وأغلب الشعب ما معه .. كمان أنا من قرايبي قدموا على وظيفة في مستشفى "فلسطين" في الشميساني وما وظفوهم لأنهم أردنية .. وأنا أبوي كل خدمته كانت في حيفا ويافا وغيرهم .. ولا تنسى انه وجودهم ساهم كثيرا في بناء الاردن الحديث ... عشان هيك ما حدا لازم يحكي شي ... وصراحة أكثر واللي مجنني انه أغلبهم ما عنده التزام عشان هيك صرنا نشوف فنانين ومطربين ومطربات .. وهذا هو الشيء الوحيد السئ في كل المسألة صراحة .. والحمدلله أنا كل أصحابي محترمين وملتزمين
anonymous... As I mentioned there's racism on both ends, and yes maybe Palestenians would have been living in tents and being killed if there was no Jordan but there was Jordan and they came to Jordan and they have become part of Jordan and participated in its foundation. I think they should be grateful to it, and it sucks when some of them don't.
On the other hand , just as I mentioned above, Jordanians frequently make it more difficult for them to feel accepted. Even though many of them have never lived outside Jordan and have a feeling of belonging to it, someone shows to up to tell them they're laje2 and mokhaymatji and mesh eben el balad. I'm just hoping that that bullshit should stop.
Don't call me coward, everyone knows my name, your name is anonymous for god's sake, i wonder who's the coward now.
may i add one thing if Hareega wouldn't mind.
to the anonymous who's dissapointed in all of us... live and let live, and dignity is more about actions than words you throw around anonymously on other people's blogs :) if i am going to scrutinize every little thing right down to my bank credit card layout i'd be wasting my time and energy on little things...live and let live and let dignity bloom in a peacefully coexistent community.
and i'd like to remind everyone that with the usual -excuse my french- crap we deal with everyday and the normal dose of hypocracy that we have to take daily no one's put a gun to our heads to self critisize just to please others who will probably never have an impact on our lives.
you have to understand that ihave nothing but sympathy to the palestinians who lost their land and are denied the opportunity to belong to any other country for fear of being labeled Traitors.. I have always felt sorry for them for they cannot belong to anywhere except a land that is not going to come back ! My problem is with the guilt Jordanians feel for no reason whatsoever towards the palestinians ,, and beause of that guilt we stopped being proud in our origins and we are accused of being aa racist if we dare say that we come fom Madaba , Karak , Ajloun , etc.. we have this need to be accomodating to others on our own expense.. we stopped being anything as a result ,, the same goes fro Christians .. we even make stupid jokes about these both charecterisitics just to be accepted ,, IN OUR OWN COUNTRY ! So you see ,, where I come from.. and may be Hareega , I should not have called you a coward and for that Iapologize , but trust me I am not one either ,,the point is you should never ever compromise for anything ! Not you , not me , not anyone ,, including the palestinians who love palestine ,, I think they can put an end to their dilemna by going back and living in their land and defend it ,, instead of living in palaces in Jordan and hating us and the country that gave them everything , I have respect for those few who actually went back and thei words were turned into actions ,, but for the rest of them ,, I am soerry but they are a bunch of hypocrites with tortured souls beacause they live and die hating th eplace they live in ,, this is HELL !
"I think they can put an end to their dilemna by going back and living in their land and defend it "
Thank God it is finally solved, to all Palestinian refugees in jordan now you can go back to your homes, thank you anonymous for solving the problem that confused the whole world for years and after everybody thought that there is no easy solution for this one, a brilliant genius as yourself had to step forward and solve it.
I'll make sure that I print a copy of your comment to show to soldiers at checkpoints, I can imagine myself smiling at them saying "it’s ok, you can let me through, anonymous said we can go back now"
Anonymous I got your point, and I agree that it sometimes sucks when someone is caled racist just because he's proud where he comes from. I am Jordanian from MAdaba and a Chrisitian and never will I hide my identity or be ashamed of it, but can a Jordanian from Palestenian origin claim in a polic office he's from Ghaza or Lidd and be treated the same as someone from Karak? I'm not talking about someone who came to Jordan last year, I'm talking about someone whose parents were born in Jordan and they had their share in building it.
There are six million people contributing to any progress or prosperity of Jordan and and the six million not just three million should get the same benefits and be treated exactly the same.
I don't think you can generalize when talking about a whole nation. There are morons amon all people lots of them Jordanians as well, and lots of them are also Palestenians who stole their people's donations and money to build palaces.
I still believe Jordan is the Arab country that made most sacrifices for Plaestine, and I hope Palestenians acknowledge some of that, but if I see something wrong happening I have to mention it and whatever I posted in my Arabic article abopve was entirely true. If there's discrimination against women or Chrisitans I'd mention, if there's discrimination against Arabs or Muslims in the US I would also mention it because I think it is unfair.
We can argue a lot about the past but the fact we have now is that we are living together and I don't see any solution to the Palestenian problem in the near future so we got to accept each other and live with each other. Everyone has to be proud where he comes from whether it is Karak or Ghaza or a Mokhayyam.
I think what get’s on a lot of Jor-Palestinians nerves is the fact that they don’t have money and that’s why as soon as they leave the country to the gulf or the US they QUICKLY develop that sense of love for that country and that’s what pisses me off as Jordanian. And they keep with this stupid comparison between how they are better off there because there is no discrimination not because those countries have a massive economies that needs all kind of ppl for all kind of jobs. And if they are collectively comparing them selves to the original people of that country they will find that they are discriminated against in way or another. And yeah the are jobs that only should be given to people who are Jordanians loyal to only Jordan for the interest of national security, and this is done all over the world including the US if you have any foreign relatives, lived overseas, showd any kind of foreign preference I doubt you will be hired in many of the US govt agencies and if you are not totally American at least 4th generation you will never be hired in the NSA.
It’s really hard to hire somebody who is allegiance to Fatah or Hamas in the army or the govt. so ppl need to get over it. Is this the case for every body? Off course not but a collective judgment can be made and we do need to work on this. At the same time Palestinians spending all of his time in the gulf for a better pay can’t expect to be placed in the foreign ministry as soon as he is back and ppl allegiance to Hamas/Fatah publicly can’t get you a job in the interior ministry.
I totally agree with you being Jordanian doesn’t mean that you are better or more loyal. However, being Palestinian on the other hand doesn’t make you smarter, more educated or according to some “more civilized”. Actually this cracks me up, civilized because I say in gal instead of 2al or hasa instead of hal2! well then I am not and I really don’t care to be civilized in that sense. Unless it is a requirement to understand physics or math or languages I can’t see how it’s related. I remember in 96 through my fruitless Job search I was asked about my origins in “Abo Ghazala” as much as I was asked in the “almukhabrat”. So again this so-called discrimination is going booth ways and you are only focusing on one.
I am not sure if you can judge from the way somebody is treated in the police station as this would goes booth way to every body visiting a police station it doesn’t matter if you are Jordanian or Palestinian you would still get slapped and treated like shit and you are assumed guilty until proven otherwise. However if you are “wa9il” you would get that preferential treatment. So unless you are assuming all Jordanian are wa9leen or all Jo-Palestinians are likely trouble makers I find this a dull statement. As you said being a citizen means there is rights and responsibilities you if you are asking for your rights you better be committed to your responsibilities otherwise you are asking to be considered another resident and not Jordanian. Off course you are assuming that I am another “raciest Jordanian” well I am not.....unfortunately I can’t prove it
loooool...I gave up on this abu narah.
Habchawi... thank you for passing by, I did not only accuse Jordanians of racism I blamed both parties. However your approach although it sounds pretty simple is very dangerous. We cannot have such collective punishment just based on one's origin.
Most governmental jobs have nothing to do with national security, on the contrary legislating laws prohibiting Jordanians of Palestenian origin from working in certain jobs is itself a potential threats to national security.
It's not reasonable to ask Palestenians to completely forget about their origin or their case just as much it is not right to judge them as being disloyal to Jordan based on that. Would you call a old Jordanian communist a Russian spy or a member of a Jordanian Islamic party a traitor just because of their political affiliations?
Besides, it's not that Palestenians "invaded" Jordan, nor did Iraqis did it. If you open Jordan to Somalia you'll find one million Somalis in Amman tomorrow.
Bo3Bo3... Arya7lak!
You kwow what our problem is,most of the people have loyalties to human beings not to countries, we forget that people will eventually die..Another thing that we look at things from one perspective, we don't ask ourselves what we do if we were on the other side of the equasion..
Harega, I was not suggesting a legislation to ban ppl from jobs based on their origins, nor I asked for a collective punishment. Also, I can’t expect ppl to simply forget their origins; every body can trace his origin to many different countries in the last 100 or 200 years. However, a person with a clear allegiance to Hamas or Fatah (a political org. that might have conflicting interests with Jordan) clearly constitutes a national security risk in a lot of govt jobs. Therefore, this not considered discrimination. Simultaneously, I am acknowledging that this is not the case in all the jobs and we need to work on it. Well I guess my point is that there is an exaggeration in this issue i always hear one side. I hear about how all the govt job is “Jordanized” and we forget to mention the real reason behind it like the unattractiveness of those jobs for them that made them go elsewhere and when they come back they blame the prejudice of Jordanians only and I don’t hear about how is the private sector was mostly for non-Jordanian origins until recently the gulf direct investments started moving the economy and If say any thing I will be a ‘raciest’. To make the long story short yeah indeed there is some stuff that needs to be fixed on booth sides and it should start with acknowledging the equal opportunity of every body in our governments. any way hareega I have been reading your post for a while and I really enjoy it.
Abu el Arabiyyat I hope everyone would always put himself or herself on the other side of the equation.
Habchawai .. I agree with you in that point, and I agree with banning any "Jordanian HAmas" or "Jordanian Fateh" movements , however people including Jordanians always had lots of sympathy and support, including financial support, to Palestenian liberation movements mainly PLO, it's part of getting involved with the Palestenians cause.
What really annoys me is seeing plenty of young Jordanian men (even kids) showing lots of hostility towards Palestenains as if they are an enemy and tghey avoid dealing with them while they have no problem living and working with total strangers, this is discrimination and racism. Do Palestenians have it, definitely some of them do, and I mentioned it above.
Thank you for checking my post glad you liked it.
الاخ الفاضل فارس
تحية كبيرة واشكرك على طرحك الذي ان دل دل على كرم واخلاق عالية، انا رأيي من رأيك وقمت بادراج موضوع في مدونتي حول نفس الافكار ارجو منك التفضل بزيارة المدونة على الرابط التالي :
بلاش هالمواضيع السخيفه
شوفولكم شي ثاني اتسلو فيه
الحق على صاحب الطرح
واكيد مو بحسن نيه
ما حد الان بيقدر يميز بين اردني وفلسطيني لاسباب كثيره اهمها الاختلاط العشائري الي صار والنسب بين كثير منهم
بس في ناس مثل صاحب الموضوع بتحب هيك مواضيع
مثل الفيصلي والوحدات
مثل البنك العربي
مثل ومثل
بس هم مو قدوه النا ولا قدوه النا
بكفي مسخره
والعبو بشي ثاني
يا ناس يا عالم فش واحد اردني من زمان مثل الكرك نصف جاء من الخليل ونصف الاخر جاء من تركيا و مثلاً عشيرتي بني صخر جائنا من السعودية من الحجاز, الاردن ليس وطناً بمواطنيه الاصليين بل هو نقطة تجمع العشائر العربية من السعودية و اليمن و تركيا و فلسطين و الخ...
وفي قصة طلعت إجديد اردني بيحكي لفلسطيني انت بلجيكي و انا اجنبي
لا حول ولا قوة الا بلاه
انا فلسطيني مولود بالوردون وعايش الان في مصر انا هون في مصر اعاني اشد الموعانهانا والدي فلسطيني وامي مصريه و هذا لا يغير من وضعي شئ أ تعلمت بالعمله الاجنبيه واقامه كل 3 سنين ولا يوجد عمل انا شاب عمري 24 عام ولا يوجد اي جديد في حياتي لايوجد لي عمل يوجد كفات مصريه فهم ابنا البلد
نظرت الناس للفلسطيني كنه يهودي لا يحبون الفلسطينيون ارغب في الرحيل ولا اعرف لاني من يافه وكان يافه شئ كريه
انا لا اعلم لماذه العرب اجمع يوعاملونه الفلسطينيه بهذه الطريقه انا والله انسان وارغب بالعيش ولا اعريف كيف في بلد شعبها موهان فبالك بالاجنبي كما يوسموننا
والله انا لو كنت اسرائلي لكنت عشت صلتان زماني ولاكن الحمد الله
وبتعود انشأ الله
يا جماعه الموضوع مش موضوع ايلول الاسود ولا غيره الموضوع ان الفلسطينين بضلهم يحكو فلسطين ويغنو لفلسطين فالاردنيه بفكروها عنصريه
Is there a difference if you happened to be a Muslim or a Christian in Jordan? Would it be possible to be a Gov't. employed Christian without discrimination?
Here in Canada you can belong to any religion you wish to be and yet if you apply and qualify for that position it is yours, however, you have to be a Canadian Citizen, we regard religion as a private matter, it is between you and your God the almighty Creator. I am Christian Arab living in Canada since 1953, since then I have applied for jobs in my field of work as an Inventory and Stock Control, Iwas never asked about what religion I was? I qualified for the job I applied for in the Provincial and later in the Federal branches of the Gov't.
During my stay here in Canada I have met many other Arab Nationals like and whom they happened to be Muslims, and as soon as I meet them their first and foremost question directed to me is:
Are you a Muslim? My answer will be NO I'm a Christian, there next question is: Have you considered of converting to Islam? My answer will be WHY? Are you by any chance trying to tell me that your faith in God or Allah as Muslim is better than mine? When you pray as an Arab you pray to ALLAH, as an Arab when I pray I also pray to ALLAH, ALLAH is not only for Muslims it is also for Christians if they happened to be of Arab origin or Arabs. Furthermore, the word ALLAH is not a Muslim word, it is an Arabic word for GOD.
The bottom line is regardless of what religion you are or happened to be, if you are an Arab ALLAH is and will always be my GOD=ALLAH
"الفلسطيني كثيرا ما يعامل كمواطن من الدرجة العاشرة واللي مش مصدق ينزله عمخفر شرطة أو دائرة جوازات وراح يكتشف أن اسم العائلة كثيراُ ما يكون اهم من الشكوى المقدمة او المخالفة المرتكبة"
هذا الحكي عيب تحكيه لانه مش صحيح.. الاردني الاصلي صار يشعر بالغربة بوطنه لانه اذا راح قدم على وظيفة بمكان صاحبة فلسطيني مستحيل يتوظف، وما دام الفلسطيني مش معترف بأردنيته ولا بانتماءه للاردن ليش بده حقوقه كاملة؟؟
حذا على فرض انه ناقصه اشي بالاردن الغالي الله يحفظه يا رب
السلام عليكم, أني رمثاوي و أردني واللي مش عاجبه ينطح راسه بخمس الاف حيط. و بنفس الوقت الفلسطيني لازم يفتخر بأصله و ما عليه زود. بالنسبة لفلسطينيين الأردن, اول اشي كلنا منحب فلسطين و محداش طايبله ينهدم الأقصى ولا بتذبحوا الناس في غزة, فمبدناش حدا يحسسنا انا احنا اللي ضيعنا فلسطين من يوم منخلقنا و احنا مرووشين زينا زي الفلسطينيين بهالمشكلة و جدودنا حاربوا مع بقية العرب و محداش يقعد يتفلسف. الفلسطيني اللي بالأردن بده يفهم ان الأردنيين بحسوا كمان و عندهم مشاكلهم مش يمضي عمره يتمحن علينا. اللي بحب البلد و بدو يعيش بسلام هلا فيه واللي بتبارد و طول نهاره يلعن هالبلد و مش عارف شو هاظا لازم يندعس على خشمه . وأني اصحابي اللزم بقولوا احنا اصلنا من الخليل بس اردنيين و منحب الاردن يامحلاهم, انا تجيبلي واحد وحداتي و تلاقي العنصرية متشربة بدمه بدك تشوف الناس بتهتف لشارون من قرفه و حيونته هو وامثاله. وصدقني كل الناس خير و بركة وفي اردنيين عنصريين مش قايلين اشي بس الحل انه الفلسطينيين بقصرو شوي, والأردن اولا شو يعني بالله نبيع البلد للعصابات و الولدنات اللي راحت متخرب الأردن بايلول لولا ما نشامى الأردن و عشايره و بدوه حمو هالبلد الطيب؟ يا زلمة حطو اعلام اشتراكية على المساجد و الفصائل و الله عاثو في الارض فسادا , يا زلمة والله الأردن و الجيش تبعها ما في مثلهم الناس بدها تعيش بأمان. نهايته العنصرية مقيتة و حرام ولازم ما تصير و الأردنين كلهم شهامة و ضيفو 3 مليونين و نص فلسطيني فاتفكروا يا زم والله لولا اللجوء كانو اليهو قطعوكوا و احنا ما بطيبلنا احنا اخوان بالدم و الدين و البلد لازم نحب بعض و نشكر بعض و ما نميز بين بعض وان شاء الله بنتصر العرب و الفلسطينيين على اليهود ما تفكر احنا بنحب اليهود والله الفلسطينيين الزلم على شواربي همو و رجالهم و عشايرهم و اصولهم وان شاء الله انه الزعران من الطرفين بنخرسوا قريب و ما بضل الاالود والصفا بين الناس
سامحونا ااذك كنا غلطنا يا جماعة
سلام الله عليكم ,للأسف بالغلط قرأت هالكلام اللي واحد محترم كاتبه ولو اني ما تعرضت لمواقف كثيرة جدا غير اصدق جزء من المكتوب. فعلاَ فيه عنصرية بس بالعكس يعني الاردني صار بالاردن يعامل زيه زي العراقي و اللا السوري فمثلاً اللي بيطلع برا الاردن يدرس بتأكد انو مبعوثي الجامعات الاردنية الحكومية 99 بالمية منهم هم اردنيون ولما تيجي تحكي معهم وتتعرف عليهم بحكيلك انا فلسطيني و بصير ينظر و يحكي وكانو عايش بفلسطين و بناضل و بآخر الحديث بيطلع مبعوث من احد الجامعات الحكومية الاردنية ليش لانه الدكنور الفلاني اللي درسه بالجامعه كان يدفشه بالعلامات لانه من اصل فلسطيني و منافسه على القسم أردني
قصة ثانية في احد المؤتمرات اللي اقامتها وزارة اردنية كنت انا ممثلة الوفد الاردني و من كتر ما كانو يبجلو و يعظمو و يهلو بالوفد الفلسطيني في آخر المؤتمر كنت أسئل انو وين السفارة الأردنية بعمان....و هذا غيض من فيض و ما بعرف لمتى هذه الظاهرة و الله كبير ما بينسى حدا و أم الظلم فهو ظلمااااااااااااات
العنصريه بالعكس بلا حكي فاضي اذا كل اشي ماشي بالبلد على دفتر العائله
w inta laweesh mon7aaaz lal feles6eeny y3ny a3taged ino el internet e3lam w eli3lam lalra2y el 3am msh la ra2yak la2no ma batwaga3 behem kteer nas gayeh tfesh 3'olha 3ala elnet 3amo inta wen saken
jordan love it or leave it .
يا جماعة التعصب و التشدد لشيء معين بيعني انو في تناحة بالمخ أو عقدة من نوع معين الاستعمار فرقنا و احنا ما صدقنا , وبلشنا ببعض و نسينا احنا ليش انخلقنا .
انته فسطين خاين ابن خاين وكذاب ابن كذاب ........................أكلتو يا الفلسطيزية
سبحان الله هالدول تبي تضيق على شعوبها باي طريقه .تبي تخلي المواطن يكرف كرف وتشغله في لقمته وفي أقساط وفي العلاج .وحتى الخدم تدخلت فيهم علشان الواحد وين ما يطقها عوجه .ويجيه عوار القلب من كل مكان .لاحول ولا قوه الا بالله
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