Given the first anniversary of my blog (could be the last), I made a survery last week that 37 readers kindly responded to. I'll review the results here,
Readers particpating in survery: 37
Males: 20 (54%)
Females: 16
Uncertain of sex : 1 (for medical consults contact me from 9-5 on weekdays)
How often do you visit Hareega's blog?Almost everyday- 30% (11)
Once or twice weekly - 48% (18)Once or twice a month - 10% (4)
Very rarely - 10% (4)
What attracts you most in hareega's blog?Sports 3% (3)
Politics 12% (11)
Personal stories in work 33 (36.67%)
Personal stories in social life 33 (36.67%)
Pictures 11%
What keeps away or "what is repulsive" in hareega's blog? (37 responses)Sports - 12 The language used - 5
Blogging in Arabic- 1
Political opinion - 4
The design of the blog- 6
The quality of articles is weak - 1
If hareega was kicked out from Jordan Planet, would you still read his blog?
Yes 30 (81.08%)
No 7 (18.92%)
Select all that applies to hareega (37 responses)
Arrogant 0 - thanx!
Funny 33 Knowledgable 22
Tabarah (Not well-knoweldgable) 4
Critical 12
Emotional 10
Creative 30
Boring 0 - thanx!
Should hareega blog in Arabic or English or both?Blog in both - 32 (86.49%)Stop blogging in Enlgish - 2 (5.41%)
Stop blogging in Arabic - 3 (8.11%)
How old are you?Younger than 19 - 3 (8.11%)
20-25 - 16 (43.24%)
26-30 - 8 (21.62%)
31-40 - 6 (16.22%)
Older than 40 - 3 (8.11%)
Older than 60?? (keefak yaba??) - 1 (2.70%)
Where do you live most times of the year?Jordan - 21 (58.33%)
The Gulf (e.g. Dubai belongs to the gulf) - 1 (2.78%)
Europe - 3 (8.33%)
USA - 11 (30.56%)
Have you ever advised someone to visit my blog?
Yes - 19 (52.78%)No - 13 (36.11%)
No, but I will - 4 (11.11%)
No and I won't- 0 (0.00%)
Check all what hareega should do to imrpove the quality of the blog?(37 responses)Change the design of the blog- 9
Separate from and make his own site like eben 3ammo el megresh jameed - 4
Starts taking own pictures from his own digital camera - 16Blog more often -on daily basis- 15
Join toot - 3
Reply to any comment posted in his blog even if it doesn't need a reply - 5
Post my own personal unpublished selection of steamy pictures for Hayfa Wahbi -3
In case you check Jordan Planet regularly, where do you place Hareega's blog?Top 20% (or top 15 blogs) - 25 (78.12%)20-40% - 5 (15.62%)
40-75% - 2 (6.25%)
Bottom 25% -0 (0.00%)
My comments on the survey-I should be very impressed especially by the encouraging percentages, but the bias here is that most people who answered this survey are those who visit my blog more or less regularly (78% visit it at least once weekly), and most of those who do that like my blog to some extent and find something interesting in it. So if 78% mentioned that my blog is among the top 20% that doesn;t reflect the opinion of all JP visitors but rather my readers' opinion.
I think that bias applies to all blog surverys.
However I thank you all for all the great comments you've mentioned. I'll comment on them down here.
Comments in the survery-I loved the Reega Reega Hareega soo much. Then i read the arabic article about the RJ plane, and liked it:), that's what made me keep on checking your blog, and i wish you put that Reega Reega Hareega the way it was before.
ur aggessive,not that offensive,extremely amusing,but i could hate u if thats ur cousin..
القصص بشكل رئيسي . أسلوبك كثير حلو والأفكار اللي في أغلب القصص روعة
في كلمات سفالة في بعض المواضيع :) .. لو تشفرها بيكون أفضل
على راسي كزدرة <-- بلاش يعظني التشلب في
You keep tricking me into reading stories about football by the titles, i.e. "my love story with argentina" I click on it, and it's not about love or argentina, it's about football! Ugh! ;) PS. I like the work stories.
Very funny and insightful. Keep it up.
You're a little rude
Ebn 3ammo il migrish ya 3ars! walak kolha 30 dollars per year ya 7asood
i love your stories in Arabic they crack me up because you don't use fusha and your style is great in writing personal stories, keep it up :)
i think u have a sense of sarcasim more than anything else
Good job on the blog ya Hareegah
the article in arabic about your travel experiences.. made me laugh out loud.. brought me here again
faress kaifak , ana kont fee madrastak, akbar minnak, bloggak awwal blog garaitoo fil 3alam , wa inta wa iyas "inspired" mo7awaleh bloggawieyyeh ya2sseh (shaffaret esem el blog i didn't know if the author wanted his comment to published or not)
oh that is harsh! Post a pic of yourself. Sometimes I always wonder what the fellow Jordan bloggers look like :)
Well, you know I didn't like the tag-thing, but nothing you've written has kept me away!
Yikes! Know Kinzi continues to be a regular reader despite the dog
I like hearing a Jordanians American experience, and your comments on other blogs
good story teller, i enjoy ur arabic blogs
I love your blog mate... keep up the good work
i like your emotional side, keep it on :)
actually i love your posts ...u blog exacxtly what i feel like soo many times in many issues as if u speak "me",like to grab from your knowledge, experience and mostly your passion for things keep it up ! btw ana fada7tak 3ind your sis miso and told her you have this blog :D tc.. TabooQueen
hareega: one day i'll kill you :)I really like your blog and jameed's blog.. i think inkom 3elleh 5alseen (in a good sense) :D keep the good work hareega.
Final Comment:I highly appreciate your time in answering this survery and I'll do the best I can to make more enjoyable. Therefore I'll go for less sports althoguh I'd feel like betraying myself doing that. I'll also try being more easy on the language and make my blog PG-13 instead of PG-21 as it is now.
And I promise : no more tags asking about the color of your underwear.
I really hate the design of my blog, I'll ask for technical help form my Jameed on how to make my own website as long as it costs less than the price of a burritto a month.