I was never an opera fan, but was really hoping that one day I can go to one of his concerts.
Looks like that will never happen!
2 hours ago
Hareega... (a.k.a Reega Reega Hareega) Not my real name, just the temperature here. Don't listen to the people who say that I have a sense of humor that can freeze the mercury inside a thermometer. For questions, complaints or insults email me at faristuta@hotmail.com
Ahhh, the Great Teneur, He really changed the world and made Opera, a household name.
May he RIP
Pavarotti is dead :| ?????????
Big loss ... he was amazing
Thank you for the video
Just like my cousin, inshallah soon im going to the twin towers. Nezlo wo ma ra7 il mskeen. 7asra b albo.
khalidah... you're welcome
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