Three years ago, I started a blog and called it Reega Reega Hareega. Today I sincerely appreciate every single person who visits my blog, even those who left ads for Viagra before I added word verification. When I started this blog with a post about a Sudanese lady I thought I would run out of idea and never come back to write again, but I was wrong nealry 600 times and it's all because of people who read my scribbles.
I need your opinion because it's what keeps this thing going, please click HERE or just type in the link: . Be very honest.
Thank You!
47 minutes ago
i remember doing this survey a year ago. :D
Thanks for completing it, yes I usually repeat the same questions but get different answers. I really act upon the answers
i think you need to use this survey more often and not only to rate your blog but to see what do ppl here think about stuff u write about
Done :D
A confession :
I read ur entire blog , taqreeban y3ni , lets say 95% of it !,in 2 nights ! and no um not a stalker nor an ax murderer !
t thanks
lost-within, that's fine i love stalkers, haven't been stalked in a looong time. thanks for filling it up
sal, i wish i can. I encourage people to comment, almost never edited any comment, and my e-mail is public. I don't want to post a survery every couple of months because people stop filling it! I can allow some function where people can rate any post, but if I get a poor one I won't know why: is the rating low because they didn't like what I said or because of the quality of writing? The only way to know would be commenting on the blog or thru email! IF you can think of another way please suggest it to me
Truth to be said, I am an admirer of your blog, Hareega.
Keep it up.
thanks a lot Jasim
why do you mind so much?
Happy blogoversary my friend, and okbal el .... 100 :D
I'll take the survey now
حريقة باشا
أنا ملأت الاستبيان لكن نسيت أن أكتب اسمي
على العموم أعتقد أنك ستعرف أي الاستبيانات هو استبياني :)
yes word verification I hate it. I have to say the viagra adds are not as annoying as this word verification thingie.
has anyone ever clicked the wheelchair sign? you know just for fun or to check if it's working?
kol saneh wo Hareega bkhair.
done, ya fire inta
done! you got my feedback :)
happy 3rd blogversary!
loolt... I have adjusted a few things previously in this blog based on opinions from previous surveys that's why I care. I think if you go against what your readers like they won't like it.
Qwaider... thank you man
Sari... thanks man for taking the survery again. I considered what you (and others) told me last year and worked on it to some extent, so your comments were not a waste they're always considered (and usually followed)
Anonymous... I really didn't want to add word verfiction but I ended up with 30-40 scam comments on some posts and that destroyed the whole post
batoul... thanks a lot
mab3oos... shukran basha alla yeb3ed 3annak el 7arayeg
observer... thanks fadi
mabrook :)
keep it up
Wow, 3 years n so far I've only read about 2 :P
Your blog is awesome, it's one of the few that get me to literally LOL...keep it up!
you're blog is great .. keep it up :)
your* lol yalal fadee7a
Hareega agwa no3! You're too nice to be disliked man! 3o2bal il 333! Survey answered.
thanks khulood!
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