If you have lived in any Arab country for quite some time, you'll get acquainted with the scene when a new leader is appointed or "elected". Once he sits on the throne citizens from all corners of the country show him support and assure them that they'll go with them all the way in support of whatever he will do to stay in power. Anything. No criticism, no discussions, just words of plain support. Even the citizens of that country who are very opposed to each other and have nothing in common unite in blindly supporting the new leader and his struggle against those opposition morons who want to destabilize his leadership.
I can't get that video of my mind when Saddam gripped power and became Iraq's president in 1979, he held a meeting of al-Baath party and read the names of 68 of major Baathists who were not very supportive of him becoming a president. Those prominent figures were called one after another and 22 of them were executed. Here's a clip of that meeting, it starts about 2 minutes before the end:
The meeting was taped and shown on public TV just to scare the hell out of anyone who would not support "the new leader".
This is now the case in almost all of Arab countries.
In the United States, the situation is not very different.
See, when someone is seriously considering running for presidency, he has to go to the pro-Israeli lobby, show them support and assure them that he'll go with them all the way in support of whatever Israel will do to maintain itself. Anything. No criticism, no discussions, just words of plain support. Even those candidates who are very opposed to each other and have nothing in common unite in blindly supporting Israel and its struggle against the hostile Arab morons in the region.
If they do otherwise, that is the end of their career.
So, in this election, because I believe Obama is better than McCain for several reason, one of which is being opposed to the war in Iraq, I was hoping (with a feeling of guilt) he wouldn't make the mistake of being less supportive of Israel than McCain. I'm glad he went to the very extreme in his support. I was even hoping he would promise to eradicate all Arabs from the face of earth or even burn a Koffiyeh on stage or just crap on the picture of a Palestinian kid or bring an Arab man on stage and start raping him Abu-Ghraib style. Maybe that would get him elected and we'll end with a president better than McCain.
It's ironic how these candidates may have bad relations with many powerful lobbies (like the pro- or anti-gun, pro/anti-gay, pro-anti/illegal immigration) but they still survive politically and get elected to critical positions. However, you can never become a president or a prominent politician without being a big supporter of Israel. This is a fact that Arabs and especially Arabs living in the US have to understand, and it's only Arabs who can (peacefully please) chnage the unjust policies that Washington has been adopting for a very long time against Arabs.
50 minutes ago
Very good post. Do you actually think these policies can be changed? And by Arabs???
But..isnt Obama from some arab country? Somalya?
or its just a rumor?
Not exactly. His father was Kenyan, but apparently had a very small role in his life. Mother was American.
Maher , he has nothing to do with Somalia or any African country other than Kenya. His stepfather at one point was Indonesian that's why he went to school there briefly when he was a kid.
His paternal grandmother still lives in Kenya and he visited her a couple of years ago. They worship him there.
neutron... Arabs at least have the money and are capable of doing a change. Maybe it's ourselves who need a change to start with, but I don't se why we can't.
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